Music folder crashes to black screen


Nov 19, 2011
Hey all,

So I just decided to open up my music folder today to transfer some files to my phone, but instead the folder opens, crashes, and flashes a black screen on both my monitors.

I thought maybe a recent song addition was corrupt, so I deleted all recent songs I added, as well as set the folder optimization to "general" (I read up for someone that helped). Still no luck.

Strangest thing, if I go into the folder through "This PC" it works fine. Any other way, it crashes.
I took a short video of my problem as well as how it works going through "This PC".

Looking at that site it looks like you disable the "get to know me" setting to clear the history, but I have had that off since I built this pc.

I turned it on and back off, not knowing if that would do anything, but the same problem still arises.