My 1070 graphic card has low performance

Mar 30, 2018
Hi everyone
Let me jump right in the problem
My laptop information:
gtx 1070 8GB with core i7 7700HQ, 16 GB of Ram
Window 10 1709
I has use it to play and test many games, and they all have lower fps than they should be
( every games run like 1060 graphic card )
for example, on Overwatch, I only get aroung 90-120 fps ( used to have like around 120-150 )
Far Cry 5 on Ultra: around 60 fps, (all the bernmark on youtube get 88 fps, I run it and only get 68 fps)
GTA V on high : around 50-60 fps
Assassin Creed Unity on high get around 50 fps
Destiny 2 drop to even below 60 fps on some planet
I used to run 3dmark Firestrike and get the score around 13000. Now I try it again and the score is only 11000.

Things that I tried to solve the problem so far:
Reset Window ( take long time but didn't really help ).
Uninstall old graphic driver by DDU ( on safe mode ) then dowload and install latest one on Nvdia website.
Turn on prefer Maximum Performance on Nvidia Control Panel.
Right Click on the game and disable fullscreen optimization.
Make sure I plug in when play game ( of course, lol )

Anyone have any idea what happen to my laptop?
Please help me.
Thank you so much.


Eluktronic P650hs-g
It has little dust but I've never seen my laptop overheat I think
It when to around 70~87

Eluktronic P650hs-g
It has little dust but I've never seen my laptop overheat I think
It went to around 70~87

but compare to other laptop fps which has same buid, it is still lower. I don't know why.
It does not have to overheat for the laptop to throttle its performance. If the thing detects that it cross certain termperature threashholds, it will throttle to keep from getting to the overheating point. It looks like it is relatively easy to open the underside panel, 14 screws I am guessing, and that will make the fans accessible for vaccumming out or blown clean with compressed air. Clean up the radiators/heatsink fins, and see if it makes a difference.


I think this is what it looks like once that bottom cover is off.
It is good that a windows reinstall fixed the issue.

However it is a very unsatisfying answer, due to the fact that this often the only solution, and it is a lot work to do so. Additionally you as well as the rest of us are still kept in the dark as to what was installed at one time that lead things down this path. Those troublesome software, maybe malware or virus, are still at large and waiting to get the next unsuspecting person, or perhaps wait for you or me to trip over it again.