What I will be using it for: I'd like to be able to combine my desktop needs with my everyday movie watching, Netflix and Amazon streaming needs. I would like to do so in 4K without losing any quality in speed or resolution whether I'm playing high quality games (like Witcher 3 and COD Advanced Warfare). I'd also like to be somewhat future proofed if I can like having VR capabilities. I don't plan to use this feature right away but I'd like to have the option down the road. Price is not so much an issue as I'm willing to spend the extra $100 - $200 to get it right the first time but I don't think I need a $3000 computer either.
My questions are:
Am I getting the right components to do so?
Am I overkilling it / wasting potential of my components and should buy something cheaper?
UPDATE: Is there a better TV I could be using for this???
First, I have every intension of buying the Samsung NU8000 55" 4k TV (See link here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B079NBMTWY/ref=twister_B07BFTR6KS?_encoding=UTF8&th=1) which has the refresher rate required to use your TV as your gaming monitor (I believe it is 60fps).
Components I'm considering:
UPDATE: I had a friend help me put a better list together. Please let me know what you think!
If there is anything above that has an exact equivalent for less money please let me know because I believe as it stands right now this is looking like an expensive build.
Other notes: I plan on installing Windows 10 64 bit
I was considering just buying these builds but wasn't sure they would get the job done. Thoughts???
Pre Build 1: https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16883289004
Pre Build 2: https://www.bestbuy.com/site/hp-omen-by-hp-obelisk-desktop-intel-core-i7-16gb-memory-nvidia-geforce-rtx-2080-2tb-hard-drive-256gb-ssd-hp-finish-in-shadow-black/6285801.p?skuId=6285801&ref=199&loc=kXQk6*ivFEQ&acampID=1&siteID=kXQk6.ivFEQ-iR92oCcvpnZ75LEKyYaXDQ
My questions are:
Am I getting the right components to do so?
Am I overkilling it / wasting potential of my components and should buy something cheaper?
UPDATE: Is there a better TV I could be using for this???
First, I have every intension of buying the Samsung NU8000 55" 4k TV (See link here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B079NBMTWY/ref=twister_B07BFTR6KS?_encoding=UTF8&th=1) which has the refresher rate required to use your TV as your gaming monitor (I believe it is 60fps).
Components I'm considering:
UPDATE: I had a friend help me put a better list together. Please let me know what you think!
If there is anything above that has an exact equivalent for less money please let me know because I believe as it stands right now this is looking like an expensive build.
Other notes: I plan on installing Windows 10 64 bit
I was considering just buying these builds but wasn't sure they would get the job done. Thoughts???
Pre Build 1: https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16883289004
Pre Build 2: https://www.bestbuy.com/site/hp-omen-by-hp-obelisk-desktop-intel-core-i7-16gb-memory-nvidia-geforce-rtx-2080-2tb-hard-drive-256gb-ssd-hp-finish-in-shadow-black/6285801.p?skuId=6285801&ref=199&loc=kXQk6*ivFEQ&acampID=1&siteID=kXQk6.ivFEQ-iR92oCcvpnZ75LEKyYaXDQ