well done. windows has issues with +2tb sized hard drives (nothing major, just it can't use them for a few things... like windows backup), so something to consider would be to swap over to like 4 1TB drives and swing together a 2 TB sized RAID1+0 setup
but that's just me.
Pete_the_Puma :
Hi there,
I would say:
Drop to 16GB of Ram
Drop the 3 monitors for a single 1440p (1440p >>>> 1080x3)
the rest looks good, you can eventually go SLI (gtx770x2) and then attempt 4K once those monitors drop in price.
no... no and no.
first of all, 2gb of vram isn't enough for 4k. take a look at the 690's performance in 4k if you doubt this. So that's not good advice. secondly, for someone doing editing and rendering multiple screens is a huge plus...