I have a 240hz Monitor (Alienware 25 Gaming Monitor - AW2518H) but it only uses 120hz in game. I went into the Nvidia Cntrol Panel made a custom resolution (1920x1080 240hz) and selected it and turned vsync off. I go into the windows display and it says my resolution and refresh rate (as it should says 1920x1080 and 240hz) but when I go into the Display --> Advanced Display settings --> Display adapter Properties --> Monitor. It says 240hz is selected (normal) but when I check the box that says Hide modes this monitor cannot display it goes back down to 120hz. I would like some advice on why this is happening.
Nvidia Geforce Gtx 1089
i7 7700k Intel Processor
16 gigs of ram
Windows 10
Alienware 25 Gaming Monitor - AW2518H (240hz 1920x1080)
If any more information is needed I am happy to reply/supply it I would really like some help with this
Nvidia Geforce Gtx 1089
i7 7700k Intel Processor
16 gigs of ram
Windows 10
Alienware 25 Gaming Monitor - AW2518H (240hz 1920x1080)
If any more information is needed I am happy to reply/supply it I would really like some help with this