My 4 year old rig will power on but no VGA


Feb 16, 2017
Mobo: ASUS P8Z68-V Pro

CPU: Intel i7 2600K (slightly OC)

RAM: 8GB (2x4GB) DDR3 Corsair CL9 or 10 2GHz (likely inconsequential, I've swapped it to test to no avail)

Hard Drive: 2TB Seagate HDD, about 4 years old (but, before we point fingers, my computer isn't even booting to BIOS, likely inconsequential)

PSU: 850 Watt something or other (likely inconsequential)

GPU: ASUS AMD R9 280x (I've been using this for about a year and all has been well... until now?)

So, I just changed the fan for the CPU because the stock fan couldn't keep up with Watch_Dogs 2. Since then, I boot, it boots for 5 seconds then turns off then boots again, stable. No error beeps. No error lights on anything. All normal lights and fan. However, no DVI detection beep. Screen doesn't acknowledge the PC. No BIOS. No startup. So, I unplugged the DVI cable from the GPU and plugged it directly to the MoBo. Same result. WTF is going on? The GPU says it is working. The board says everything is working. All perfectly normal noises and lights. WTF is happening?
Unplug the machine, try removing the CMOS battery and putting it back in, and if that doesn't solve anything, take out the power cord again and try resetting the BIOS via the BIOS jumper.
You say it boots again stable. Is this that it powers fully on, or just doesn't turn off, but still has the nothing is happening error?

I hate to ask this but did you put the fan pin on the board? This can cause boot failures if the fan's power cable isn't placed on the correct fan connection on the board. Though, this shouldn't cause you to have no post, it should just give you an error you can't bypass talking about CPU_FAN is unreadable.

Yes, I did put the fan pin on the board. I plugged it in to different pins than the previous fan was plugged into. It's plugged into "CPU_FAN1" and "CPU_FAN2", and previously I just had the stock Intel one plugged into "CPU_FAN0". Like I said, no error messages, my motherboard really thinks that nothing is wrong with the hardware. It runs indefinitely at the "second boot", as it were. It sounds like it boots into Windows (no audio, just a hunch), but there is no DVI output.
Please unselect my answer as it's not the right one.

Ok, as long as the fan is on the right port that isn't the problem. Do try to put the primary fan in CPU_FAN0 and see what happens though.

So, nothing displays whatsoever under the DVI output?
Have you tried different cables, or even different outputs?

I've tried the two different DVI ports on my computer which are 1. the one on the GPU 2. the one on my motherboard. I can't plug the fan into CPU_FAN0 because it isn't the correct number of pins.

I don't have a different display or cable, unfortunately.