So I had a major crash during a farcry session and now I have strange pixelated blocks, even during boot up and in the bios. Its definatley not software related.
Its the Galaxy 6800gt agp and it has a massive cooler on it, I have removed it and de-dusted it (which I do now and agian) There is alot of thermal paste that has escaped around the area of the main chip and is over the surounding pcb, could this be a problem ? what should I clean it up wth ?
I fear It may be dead Ive had it for a couple of years now, any suggestions on ressurecting it ?? May be time to go PCIE .....
Its the Galaxy 6800gt agp and it has a massive cooler on it, I have removed it and de-dusted it (which I do now and agian) There is alot of thermal paste that has escaped around the area of the main chip and is over the surounding pcb, could this be a problem ? what should I clean it up wth ?
I fear It may be dead Ive had it for a couple of years now, any suggestions on ressurecting it ?? May be time to go PCIE .....