MY 7700k runs at 70c at 100%load at stock on a 240 rad


Jan 20, 2017
I bought a 7700k when they launched because my friend wanted to buy my 6700k off me for 320.
The 6700k would never go above like 37c on the exact same rad I know it's not the thermal paste because I have reapplied it 5 times now is there something wrong with the chip or just my cooling setup even tho I doubt that

I have the pump plugged into the CPU fan header

This is the rad I use

lol...yes mate, 70c is normal, even with your 240 AIO cooler.

Keep in mind that just because my 7700k is OC'ed and yours is not, that doesnt mean much. I was able to achieve 4.7 with a very minimal increase to the voltage, so the heat increase was minimal. Also keep in mind that all chips perform slightly different (silicon lottery).

If you are really concerned, you can reapply thermal paste, but I really dont think you need to. 70c is normal and safe for your cpu, so no real need to mess with it.

Ok what does your 7700k run at I saw you have one on a x52 could you share lol and I know it's safe I'm asking is it normal on a 240rad

Mine peaks around 75c - I have it OC'ed to 4.7ghz.

Yea but mine is not oced at all and it peaks 70c so is there a problem with my cooler, or what because I know it's safe but that's not normal. lol

last thing im asking you lol
70c is normal for the rad im using correct? not just in general but for a 240 aio 70c is normal for the 7700k right??

lol...yes mate, 70c is normal, even with your 240 AIO cooler.

Keep in mind that just because my 7700k is OC'ed and yours is not, that doesnt mean much. I was able to achieve 4.7 with a very minimal increase to the voltage, so the heat increase was minimal. Also keep in mind that all chips perform slightly different (silicon lottery).

If you are really concerned, you can reapply thermal paste, but I really dont think you need to. 70c is normal and safe for your cpu, so no real need to mess with it.

ok thanks mate, yea i was concerned about it lol thank you. And yes i know about silicon lottery lol my chip does not go any higher then 4.7 and thats with it at 1.4 on the vcore lol. I got realy unlucky so yea my chip the highest i have goten it is 4.6 at 1.350 on the vcore

nice build btw

Thanks! I'm in love with my PC - Shelby lol :)