A few days ago I was playing on low graphics setting (as I always do) on a 1680x1050 screen resolution display. Suddenly the screen started jumbling up and the sound was glitching thus freezing the game. I tried to ctrl+alt+del my way out of there thinking it was a game bug but my PC actually froze so I restarted it. On restart there were artifacts all over the screen from the ASUS logo all the way to the Starting Windows screen until finally it was about to load Windows 7 but the cursed thing never did start. I shut it off and let it cool off for about 2 hours then turned it on with no problems though I noticed weird glitches pop up on the monitor once in a while. The next day (two days ago from today) I turned it on with the artifacts reappearing and after the Starting Windows screen it just goes blank. It was like this no matter how long I let it cool off. I blew out very little dust from the graphics card as I do so anyways at least once a month. For over 3 years this has never happened to me, nothing has ever corrupted my rig so I was just wondering if these were the symptoms of a dead card. Thank you for your time