My AAAaahhhQuoi? Marks!

Just for some edification of what they look like and what it measures. Here you go.

Run on my R9600Pro (at various speeds) w/ latest Omega's, on my XP2000 (at various FSB);

<b>Baseline All set to stock;</b>

<A HREF="" target="_new"></A>

<b>CasualCat's (where are you man?) OC Baseline</b>, obtainable by most: 500/350(700) <-(could only get to 351 without extra tweaking which I didn't want to bother with);

<A HREF="" target="_new"></A>


<b>OC'd just for the sake of reaching a score</b> (not my top, just wanted to break a plateau not my rig);

<A HREF="" target="_new"></A>

<b><font color=purple>*And yes, right now that is the <i>Highest Score</i> of the R9600s on an XP2000+ (or 2100+ which is what it looks like after FSB jump), and the only one to break <i>THAT</i> number. But that will likely change shortly.</font color=purple></b>

Hope you enjoy, and hope that gives you guys some idea of where you fall, or something to compare to when you bench.

Let me know if there is any problem viewing the figures, they should be public.

And yes, I know your peni$ is probably bigger than mine; but just post your scores so people can see the difference a rig makes, so everyone can enjoy, and then you can post pictures of your peni$ so everyone can fear you too. 😱


- You need a licence to buy a gun, but they'll sell anyone a stamp <i>(or internet account)</i> ! <A HREF="" target="_new"><font color=green>RED</font color=green> <font color=red>GREEN</font color=red></A> GA to SK :evil:
Here's my poor score. There was plenty of chop, although some parts ran nicely.

<A HREF="" target="_new"></A>

<b>Qui habet aures audiendi audiat</b>
man i need my Ti4200 and P4

i'll try it on daddy's comp when i have time 😀

Proud Owner the Block Heater
120% nVidia Fanboy
PROUD OWNER OF THE GEFORCE FX 5900ULTRA <-- I wish this was me
I'd get a nVidia GeForce FX 5900Ultra... if THEY WOULD CHANGE THAT #()#@ HSF
Thanks Markgun!

Interesting. But was it ok at the begining? Supposedly you should be able to run at medium detail in the game (according to their chart). Did you try the special feature with Overdraw detection, etc? Pretty neet, it's like viewing things through the eyes of DareDevil. And that last scene just washes the screen with orange and red. I wish we could actually change the settings in the benchmark, it only let's you alter it in one test (not the main one). Hey don't worry about the chop, at times even the R9600P was down to single digit FPS.

I'm sotked that I got 50% above high detail, but I really would like to see more info. Especially since some of the FXs seem to be reporting incorrect info. They didn't fair very well so far either from what I've seen.

<b>CoolS</b>, get that rig going. :tongue:

I'd love to see the effect of setup. There does seem to be a big boost from FSB changes as well as VPU/GPU overclocks. I did switch from HighQuality to Performance which gave me about 200 points increase. I did notice there sure are a heck of alot of OMEGA driven cards out there.

Also there have been NO Parhelia's benched sofar. DANG! I wanted to see how they help-up to the mid-range competition.
OH well, I'll have to wait. But I do ike the fact that it's easy to compare scores with everything (a little easier than 3Dmk03 IMO).

- You need a licence to buy a gun, but they'll sell anyone a stamp <i>(or internet account)</i> ! <A HREF="" target="_new"><font color=green>RED</font color=green> <font color=red>GREEN</font color=red></A> GA to SK :evil:
I hit 41666 with my P4 3.0Ghz and 5900Ultra.
Everything stock. Omega 45.23 Quality drivers.
Cant show link as net isnt connected to my pc.
Was ok, but a little more choppy than i hoped for.
Image quality was sweet, all those "image comparison" posts, man, those particular frames zipped fast so fast there was NO WAY to take note of IQ!!!!

Still, rather have a 9800Pro 😀

Render times? You'll find me down the pub...
Yawn underclocked. BTW yer stock link seems fishy.

<A HREF="" target="_new">click</A>


:evil: <A HREF="" target="_new">Busting Sh@t Up!!!</A> :evil:
:evil: <A HREF="" target="_new">Busting More Sh@t Up!!!</A> :evil: <P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1><EM>Edited by spud on 09/16/03 04:55 AM.</EM></FONT></P>
Radeon 8500 and Athlon XP : 18002

For details click here :
<A HREF="" target="_new"></A>

Would you buy a GPS enabled soap bar?
Just ran it now and got:

AquaMark Score: 43637
AquaMark CPU Score: 8178
AquaMark GFX Score: 5952
Average FramesPS: 43.638

<A HREF="" target="_new"></A>

Score on my 2500 @ 2405mhz and my 9700pro @ 382/348 that runs at this speed 24/7... I could push for a bit higher but theres no real need to. :)

<A HREF="" target="_new"> 3D-2001 </A>
<A HREF="" target="_new"> 3D-03 </A>
<font color=red> 120% overclocker </font color=red> (cheapskate)
BTW yer stock link seems fishy
No sure if I follow. Is that a pun? Eewww! :tongue:

Anywhoo, it is stock on an XP2000+, and the description of my rig hasn't changed in ALL the benchmarks I've posted here. See <A HREF="" target="_new">my original thread</A> for my first round with the R9600P. The only thing added sofar was an external USB 2.0/PCMCIA Burner.

BTW, Your FX5900 on a faster CPU is only a scant 7000 marks away. Oie! Perhaps a processor upgrade will help me surpas you. :tongue:
Also, remembr I didn't push my rig as hard as I did before, because I just wanted to see what influenced the test, and I wanted to beat the 30K barrier.
Anywhoo I'm please for a card everyone said is a disappointment (everyone but me). I think this will do until the R420/RV380 arrives.

- You need a licence to buy a gun, but they'll sell anyone a stamp <i>(or internet account)</i> ! <A HREF="" target="_new"><font color=green>RED</font color=green> <font color=red>GREEN</font color=red></A> GA to SK :evil:
Nice.... 😎

Noticed you are running the W98 Omegas, do you have dual boot? Can you try with XP? Just curious. Just wondering the impact.

Some nice looking numbers. If you know or have it saved. What was your FPS in test #9 (the last one with massive overdraw). That one dropped me to 10FPS even at OC (stock was 7FPS).

Thanks for the info. Definitely getting a feel for the benchmark.

- You need a licence to buy a gun, but they'll sell anyone a stamp <i>(or internet account)</i> ! <A HREF="" target="_new"><font color=green>RED</font color=green> <font color=red>GREEN</font color=red></A> GA to SK :evil:
Na I have win98se and thats it. I don't really understand how some people will jump to the latest o/s when they don't really need it. I mean I'm not loosing a thing by using win98se, although I cant use more than 512mb ram, but since I dont need anymore (couldn't afford anymore anyways lol) this os serves me well...

And I have no idea about individual tests as I just benched and published it online...

BTW for my cpu (set limit to 2500mhz) and gfx card (no limit set) I'm currently 17th against guys with 220mhz fsb and 420/350+ clocks on their 9700. I wonder when I get some kingston 3500 and have my fsb at 218 instead of 200 if it will make a notable diffenence?

Also a final note. For everyone who'se benched with an xp cpu and a 9700pro, I come a respectable 23rd!!! I'm not even near maxing my system out either...

<A HREF="" target="_new"> 3D-2001 </A>
<A HREF="" target="_new"> 3D-03 </A>
<font color=red> 120% overclocker </font color=red> (cheapskate)
Yeah I was able to get XP at a nice reduction at the university. I was running W2K before and 98SE on my ThinkPad.

As for the individual tests you can always check the box in the top right for more details (I think I'm at work right now so not sure) and it will give you tests #1-9. 9 is that last one that just brings the benchmark to a complete halt almost.

Yesterday I was like 7th of all the R9600P's, and that's against P43.06 and such. I'm happy, escpecially compared to he FX5600Us, where only 1 had beaten me at that time and hen only by about 200 points, whereasthe R9600s on the P4s had about 3000 points on me.

I'm not near my system or card's max, but considering everything is stock (yes the stock AMD HS/F [Volcanos on the Dual proc rig], I had to return my Aeroflow cause it started whinning [man I hate re-greasing a chip]). I'm just not willing to push it for THIS bencmark. I no longer have the motivation (unles GW appears with some killer marks).

- You need a licence to buy a gun, but they'll sell anyone a stamp <i>(or internet account)</i> ! <A HREF="" target="_new"><font color=green>RED</font color=green> <font color=red>GREEN</font color=red></A> GA to SK :evil:
Yeah I agree. When I first got this processor, I was pushing for 2.5ghz because I never had such a good overclocking chip. I think I did get to 2486mhz on 1.85v but it was at 60c lol.... So a nice 2.4ghz and 50c is where I'm at. I finally have a stable and fast config after months of messing about with different cpu's and fsb's.

And my reward? A nice 18,350 3dmarks. Not just for bragging rights, but just to know its right up there with the latest systems and I only payed £500 for it! I just hope the amd heatsink I epoxied on the 9700 doesn't fall off hehe....

<A HREF="" target="_new"> 3D-2001 </A>
<A HREF="" target="_new"> 3D-03 </A>
<font color=red> 120% overclocker </font color=red> (cheapskate)
Rum that link gives an error...

<A HREF="" target="_new"> 3D-2001 </A>
<A HREF="" target="_new"> 3D-03 </A>
<font color=red> 120% overclocker </font color=red> (cheapskate)
i probably have to buy a new P4 ><
but the online store i bought for say "they'll see what they can do" and they have never failed me yet!

wish me luck guys

and the Ti4200, i'll just have to wait for stupid back order -_-

Proud Owner the Block Heater
120% nVidia Fanboy
PROUD OWNER OF THE GEFORCE FX 5900ULTRA <-- I wish this was me
I'd get a nVidia GeForce FX 5900Ultra... if THEY WOULD CHANGE THAT #()#@ HSF
Rumcooler, thanx man. More info for the roster. Definiely etin a good idea of where the cards sit. Would love to see an FX5600 from the group though.

Here's how to make it clicky and I'l just make
yours clicky while I'm at it.

In this example think of the { as an [ and the } as an ] (same key just upper lower case). do this because othewise the code disappears.

So to make your link clicky you would;


to make it a clicky link that looks something like <A HREF="" target="_new">my clicky link</A>

The you would do this, but be sure to *remove the () around link location* ;

{url=(the link location)}my clicky link{/url}

so it the above actually looks like this;
{url=}my clicky link{/url}

Hope that helps.

- You need a licence to buy a gun, but they'll sell anyone a stamp <i>(or internet account)</i> ! <A HREF="" target="_new"><font color=green>RED</font color=green> <font color=red>GREEN</font color=red></A> GA to SK :evil:
Ok, here's what a real mans pc can do! Ok, maybe not, but it's good for a laugh. Just wait till I get my new vid card! Hahahhaha... hahahahah... uhmmm... sorry.

<A HREF="" target="_new">my awesome score... yeah me!</A>
I'm getting a 9800 pro... but waiting until the new 9800 comes out with HL2... hoping prices will go down. Although, if they offer HL2 in the bundle for the new ATI card, hmmmm.... I might get that, if it's not too expensive.

<P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1><EM>Edited by sodapopinski on 09/17/03 12:39 PM.</EM></FONT></P>
$399 is the suggested retail price for the R9800XT.

BTW, Nice Scores, shows just what a GF2 can do. :wink:

What did the visuals look like?

- You need a licence to buy a gun, but they'll sell anyone a stamp <i>(or internet account)</i> ! <A HREF="" target="_new"><font color=green>RED</font color=green> <font color=red>GREEN</font color=red></A> GA to SK :evil: