My acer aspire 5630 keeps shutting down

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Mar 19, 2014
Acer laptop kept shutting down. I ran recovery program but when it tries to restart it says window couldn't load properly and encountered unexpected errors click ok to restart installation.
Windows cant load in safe mode either.
Acer sends me to ms for recovery disk and Microsoft sends me back to manufacturer.
I hope I am wrong but it sounds like you either have a bad HD or corrupted boot files.

Are you able to get some time of bootable cd/dvd/flash with a check disk program or something on it or even something that will let you see windows or dos (something like UBCD=ultimate boot cd or a winPE disk.

your issue sounds just like someone i did work for 2 weeks ago, computer would show windows logo and either reboot or shutdown, safe mode was no good, S.M.A.R.T test failed. Went to local store got a new drive, inserted it and ran backup recovery utility I had installed for her 2 months before that and resinstalled the image of old hard drive and restarted computer fine (windows automatically located new driver for new hard drive) and no problems since.
If the manufacturer sends you to Microsoft, and they sent you back to the manufacture, its because they do not carry the disk set for that machine. I do have good news for you though, we can still get you the disc set.

Acer Aspire 5630 recovery disk set

If the manufacturer doesn't carry the recovery disk set for your Acer Aspire 5630, then you will need to purchase it from a third party website. There are a lot of different ones on the internet, but the main one that we use is - We use them to order recovery disks for computers when the customer no longer has the discs in their possession or the manufacture doesnt carry it. Sometimes the manufacture is too expensive.

The reason you need the cd's is because your operating system is corrupt and needs to be re-installed. Once you do get the discs, they include the directions to walk you through setting up the software. It is pretty straight forward, but as always, if you do need help please let us know and we can assist you with it.
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