I turned my acer aspire one off plugged it in then tried to turn it back on a little later after charging it and the screen is just black. I can turn it on and off but the screen does nothing. Can anyone help me?
I turned my acer aspire one off plugged it in then tried to turn it back on a little later after charging it and the screen is just black. I can turn it on and off but the screen does nothing. Can anyone help me?
I am also having exactly same issue. My Laptop is Acer Aspire E1-571. It was working before but suddenly stops working. Someone told me that need to check BIOS. But no sure. Any help is appreciated.
I turned my acer aspire one off plugged it in then tried to turn it back on a little later after charging it and the screen is just black. I can turn it on and off but the screen does nothing. Can anyone help me?
This thread is quite old now. For all of you posting to this, you need to elaborate your issue with more details or create a new thread for better visibility in the community.