MY AMD A10-7700k is 72c on idle please help


Sep 13, 2016
Hey guys, My system is an AMD 7700k clocked @ 3.4 GHz that boosts to 3.8 GHz running at stock voltages and with a stock cooler, and a GTX 1060 3GB card but the thing that concerns me the most is my idle temps when I first built the system and I booted in to the bios the temps were between 45c and 55c but recently in the bios the temps are sitting at 68-72c and when I am running my system the temps are between 98c-115c I don't know why this is happening? the temps are soo high I'm afraid my APU is going to burn out before its time.

I also only have one system fan and I have taken both side panels of my case off to get rid of the static air in my case and the temps are still the same please help

I also changed the thermal paste from the stock to another solution it helped in the beginning but now I don't know

Screen Shots of my HWmon

Another thing is my AMD Overdrive says my thermal margin is between 8c and 32c but the average is about 27c
8c means it's still 8c away from the temperature AMD says it should be under, which is fine. As long as it's greater than zero, you have no problems.
Idle temps in the BIOS (UEFI) are always higher than normal. This is due to the multiplier usually remaining at max.

I would try using a different program to monitor your temps. If you are not noticing a performance decrease, then your CPU is not hitting over 90C. It will downclock (thermal throttle) itself to prevent damage.
They are about between 8c and 30c
