My Asus F2A55M-LK2 shows green power led but won't start

Dec 22, 2018
Hello . After my PSU got burned I put it another PSU but my Asus F2A55M-LK2 shows green power led but won't start anymore . When I installed the PSU after a couple of hours started on it's own without me pushing anything . Today I made it starting it for a few times by just pushing power button booted succesfully but functioning just for a few minutes then stoping . Now won't start at all . What should I do to find out what the damage is ?
Yes I know needs some repair of course components that are on the mainboard must be measured but I need some solution a tutorial on how to diagonse it how to know what components on the mainboard are not operating properly . I can replace almost all the components that can be replaced on it but the tricky part is identifing the damaged components .
For romirez Did I ask for your individual help ? No I did not and you can get out forever I don't need a "cry baby" that is crying for a downvote . I downvoted you cause what you wrote is of no use to me I allready knew mainboard components must be measured and tested so you can find the problem . And I downvoted you again because you are arrogant too .