My Asus r9 280x V2 Keeps Crashing


Dec 4, 2013
Hey guys,

I just set up a new pc build with an Asus Z87 pro, 16 GB corsair vengeance and a 4770k i7. I have installed the latest Catalyst software which is 13.11 beta.
When I played dota 2 the game crashed once and vertical lines of colors showed up on the screen but the game was running fine at 60fps max settings later. I also played some 1080p movies and CS:GO and it was running fine. I tried Heaven Benchmark on ultra and it was running ok but when I try 3dmark11 as soon as the loading screen finishes the screen goes black and it stays like that, once I had sound stuck in a loop which sounds like crashing. Also when I run battlefield 4 the system crashes immediately as soon as it loads and the vertical lines show up.

Is this a software or a hardware issue? Will I be able to fix it?

Note: I have a 750W power supply and I connected the graphics card to a 8 pin and a 6+2 pin. My graphics card is the V2 version which looks like this

Thanks in advance,

Update: For some reason just after I posted this the screen went black and after waiting for a minute I just restarted the PC. I then rerun Heaven Benchmark on Extreme preset and as soon as it started the graphics card crashed and vertical white/grey lines appeard.

Don't try the beta drivers. Uninstall them and install the 13.9 drivers from here:

If the problem persists then you may have got yourself a faulty GPU which can always RMA..

Thanks for the link, I tried it and the graphics card is crashing, even more than before and at random times...
I just disconnected it and I am using the intel 4600 graphics for now. I will RMA it and hope for a good one. Do you think they have a replacement? Can I ask them to give me the Matrix and I pay a little bit more or should I stay with the DCU2 T?
Thanks a lot for taking time to help me.

I actually have exactly the same issue with my HIS R9 280X Turbo.
I also have the same motherboard (Z87 pro) and the same i7.

I tried everything i could (drivers, windows..) but the problem persists..

Promaster9500 : did you get a new 280x ? You still have the problem ?

I have this card in a new cyberpowerpc build. It does the same thing. More in certain games. I have not found a solution at this time but am very interested in doing so.

Yea, I'm crossfiring two asus 280x cards and I had to RMA them both, one of them three times until they finally replaced it instead of just replacing some component.