My B250m-ds3h motherboard won't boot my USB with windows 7 ultimate

Supported Operating Systems for GA-B250M-DS3H
(rev. 1.0)

1.Windows 10 64-bit (for 7th Generation Intel Processors)

2.Windows 10 64-bit / Windows 8.1 64-bit / Windows 7 32-bit / 64-bits (for 6th Generation Intel Processors)
* Please download the "Windows USB Installation Tool" from GIGABYTE's website and install it before installing Windows 7.

1. can you boot to bios ?
2. look in the boot order of things if the bios recognizes your usb device
3. make sure your usb is not plugged into a USB 3 port (blue port) but in a USB 2 port (black port)
set bios boot usb first, you make have to remove secure boot first for the usb to be allowed to be used on boot
Supported Operating Systems for GA-B250M-DS3H
(rev. 1.0)

1.Windows 10 64-bit (for 7th Generation Intel Processors)

2.Windows 10 64-bit / Windows 8.1 64-bit / Windows 7 32-bit / 64-bits (for 6th Generation Intel Processors)
* Please download the "Windows USB Installation Tool" from GIGABYTE's website and install it before installing Windows 7.