My 'beast' Pc cannot run arma 3


Mar 2, 2017
Okay so my specs are pretty good. Asus 1080 & a i7 8700k. I load up arma 3 and go on altis life and even on low I cannot keep a constant 60. If i move around it like drops to 30/40 and then back up but its not even playable. One of my friends has a 1060 and he gets like over 60 always on high settings and someone else with what he said ' a good pc' gets over 100 on ultra.

Is it faulty?? I can still return it but its really annoying 🙁
Yeah other games seem fine. Fps always fluctuating though. Drivers are up to date(so geforce experience says) and yes dvi and hdmi plugged into the gpu

Not that im aware of? Like as i said below its always fluctuating but other games like pubg i get 100, csgo get like 250+ but again these always change

temps are fine. Doesnt go over 65 (i have fans on low) and cpu prob doesnt ever go over 70 on load so say even lower than that on arma. I did upgrade my psu as i built my friend a pc and he needed a new psu so i gave him my evga 650w gq and i bought a 750w of the same version. Still have the 650w as he hasnt been home. I could connect them in and see if it dose anything ??

Just i dont understand . The guy i was onto says he runs on high and gets like over 60 with a 1060 ( i forget what fps he said but its defiantly over 60) then im over here with a 1080 and a i7 and cant get 60 on low ??


Reset graphical settings and confirm the problem persists. If it doesn't change settings one at a time, in case the issue replicates so you can revert accordingly.

I've set it to 1080p at the lowest settings possible ( through geforce experience) and i was getting about 60 fps and then if i zoomed in itt would drop to 20. I dont know whats going on. Its not playable


Reset your settings to factory default settings.
How would you do that ?? Not sure at all


Too many people online? Too much lag (high ping) from the server?
Did you check if you have the same problems in single player?
Draw distance can have a huge impact on performance so check this.
Finally it could be that your 12 threads CPU just doesn't consider the games 1-2 threads arma uses enough workload to really try,you could put the system on performance in the power options so it will always boost all cores.
Always join a server with like 60 ping, Doesnt matter what server either. I also have everything on the lowest settings and still ... I've tried the high performance and nothing :/