My C hard drive is stopping while laptop is on, blue screen apearing(needs reboot), i make a reboot, disk not spinning and not recognizable , reboot, the same, reboot ...., after 6-7 times windows 10 is running ok, without data loss, but after random time/random open programms or is nothing open/random envinroment/random usb devices is connected, the c sata driver will stops again and needs reboot... All day doing this, 3-7 times per day. Ive this prombel for 2 months... I tryed update format/windows updates/update all drivers/run memtest/clear all disk but the same. Ive tryed to change the sata hard disk driver with two other olds but is doing the same, Ive tryed using only ubuntu, but its stops again...If anyone known please PLEASE HELP ME! Im 3d animator and computer programmer and this problem is so annoying...Thank you!