My C24g1 monitor is not working


Dec 26, 2018
My monitor shows a black screen after i login. When i turn on my computer the login screen shows but after i logged in the image doesn't show.

Alright, so call up the vendor and ask what the issue is. They will want you to RMA it. Can you try the monitor on a friends PC? or connect a laptop or the monitor to a TV?

i bought/got it 13th december. My Spec

Cpu: i5 8600k
Cooler: Corsair h100x
Motherboard: Asus Prime Z370-A
Ram: Corsair vengeance 2x8GB 2666Mhz
Graphic Card: 1060 3G
Storage: 250Gb ssd and 1tb hdd
Power Supply: Evga g2 550w
Operating system: Windows 10
i use one monitor (model name: C24G1) if you mean driver for the graphic card then yes but days ago

Hmm, if this started black screening I'd call the company or get an RMA sent back to you. That would be my suggestion. Unless you get another monitor from a friend/family member and test the monitor then.

the monitor is only less than one day old. i bought it yesterday... i'll return it if it doesn't work soon

Well, it doesn't make sense for the monitor to just blackout during the post-login screen. Are you able to reinstall the drivers or can you not do anything? Double-check the connection between cable, gpu and monitor. Try using a different cable, if these fail... Contact the vendor.

After the login screen and i have tried with two cables that comes with the monitor. when the screen is black for some reason i can see the arrow and move it

Would be easier if you had another monitor to ensure its the monitor you have... seems like its faulty. CAll up the vendor and see what they say. It's still new, so it should be under manufacturer warranty. Try following the steps I posted up from the link and let me know what happens.


i have tvo monitors one samsung that doesn't have a power cable and c24g1 and also the link you sent me, couldn't find a power button on my sign in screen so i can't repair my system but i do have a windows 10 usb that i installed days ago when i bought this pc.
Ok, so to clarify you were never able to access your desktop in the first place, correct?

Do this:
To access the Boot Manager of your system, please press the key combination Ctrl + F8 during the boot process. Select the desired Safe Mode to start your PC.
Click the option Troubleshoot and then Advanced options
Afterwards go to “Advanced options” and click Start-up Settings
Under “Start-up Settings” click Restart
Enable Safe Mode
In this mode, the operating system is started with the bare minimum of installed drivers and only the main Windows functions are used.

Let me know if you were able to do this.

my monitor worked yesterday when i played csgo. time to enter safe mode

No, No and Yes. i've a tv in my room so what kind of cable do i need to connect to it?

i connected it to a tv and it worked fine witch means the PROBLEM is the aoc c24g1monitor! i'll return it tomorrow's unless you know the problem. THANK YOU FOR HELPING ME!

What did you connect to the TV? The graphics card? or the monitor?

i used a hdmi cable to connect the pc to the tv

Glad we figured out the problem man! Let me know what happens with the new monitor.


Michael T.

For some reason the monitor works now... i'll try again tomorrow just to be sure it won't happen again...

That's very odd.