I've a Canon SX150IS camera and a USB card reader, which I using it to transfer the pictures and video, from the SD card of my camera, to my computer.
Recently, I've experienced 3-4 times cases that after I disconnecting my card reader with the SD card from my computer, and inserting the SD card back to my camera, than turning it on, an error message "Memory card error" would appear on my camera display, forces me to format the SD card.
Why this is happens? Is the SD card reaching its End Of Life?
I've a Canon SX150IS camera and a USB card reader, which I using it to transfer the pictures and video, from the SD card of my camera, to my computer.
Recently, I've experienced 3-4 times cases that after I disconnecting my card reader with the SD card from my computer, and inserting the SD card back to my camera, than turning it on, an error message "Memory card error" would appear on my camera display, forces me to format the SD card.
Why this is happens? Is the SD card reaching its End Of Life?