Hi, I am sure this question has been posted here a few times earlier. People reporting that their computer cannot find the installed graphics card. However, my problem is a bit different. My computer CAN detect my graphics card (Nvdia geforce gtx 960) but only in the device manager.
Currently, my computer is running on intel HD graphics, since it can't seem to find the GPU. I also read that the problem could be caused by a faultful connection to my monitor, but I feel like Hdmi should work great, right? Can you guys help me make my graphics card up and running? It is connected properly to my motherboard and I can confirm it has a working power supply. (I ran the Dxdiag tool to check which GPU was in use)
Currently, my computer is running on intel HD graphics, since it can't seem to find the GPU. I also read that the problem could be caused by a faultful connection to my monitor, but I feel like Hdmi should work great, right? Can you guys help me make my graphics card up and running? It is connected properly to my motherboard and I can confirm it has a working power supply. (I ran the Dxdiag tool to check which GPU was in use)