I built my first computer two weeks ago. Everything was working just fine. Yesterday morning I turned it on and was working without a problem, when I finished I shut down the system. Everything absolutely normal. This morning when I arrived at home I tried to turn it on but I had no success. I tried to use another socket and it didn`t work. I did all the possible things I could do: checking cables and the correct position of the power button. Everything was normal as usual. I thought it was a problem of Power Supply. I changed it, sice I thought it was damaged. The new power supply is working but nothing else. I can`t understand what happened. I don`t see any possible reason for my computer to die during the night. There are no lights or signals of any sort. I am now thinking it can be my motherboard that doesn`t work. I will take it to a technician honestly because I am worried I could damage something, or spend more money trying to find a solution on my own. I would like to know how to understand what is the problem and what to check and also what kind of reason could be behind all this!
Ryzen 1600x
Motherboard: MSI B350 Gaming pro
GPU: MSI Armor RX580
PSU: EVGA 500w.
Ryzen 1600x
Motherboard: MSI B350 Gaming pro
GPU: MSI Armor RX580
PSU: EVGA 500w.