My computer freezes and the screen turns green


Jun 26, 2015
I have built a new computer recently. It worked fine for about a month, but lately the screen turns green and the computer freezes. I am not positive, but it seems to happen when I am watching video online. When this happened more than once, I tried to troubleshoot the problem. I opened the case and made sure that the GPU and RAM were seated properly and connected properly. I have downloaded msi afterburner and increased fan speed to reduce GPU temperature. To be clear the temperature was around 70 C while gaming, not something dangerously high. I did a clean install of the driver, using instructions found in the AMD forums. I am at a loss and would appreciate help.

Windows 7
Sapphire Radeon R9 380 4GB Nitro Video Card
EVGA 500W 80+ Bronze Certified ATX Power Supply
MSI H81M-E34 Micro ATX LGA1150 Motherboard

My CPU temps are within the normal range for an i3. They are 35 - 40 C when I am messing around on the internet. I have not OCd anything. The only thing I have changed is the fan speeds at certain temperature (higher rpms at lower temperatures), but the problem existed before I did that. I don't mind starting fresh, but I am worried that won't help if it's a hardware issue.

Well try reinstall all drivers ( and windows ) if drivers dosent working. Download Driver Booster 3 ( free version ) it will update your all drivers for free, If u twiked something in Bios Go back to default. And if noting use warranty on the gpu :)

I was thinking that I might have to RMA the GPU. Am I correct in my thinking that this is an issue with the GPU? I mean I don't know what else it could be.

Well u have to check all, Why dont you Download Aida64 and test your stability ? U can do it 1 by 1... First mobo, Then CPU, Ram, Gpu , HDD ....

I have the program downloaded and I looked at the stability portion. Besides temperature, what should I be looking at? The CPU core temps were in the low 80s C. The GPU reached 55 C. I ran both tests for about 3 minutes. I am not totally sure how to do this properly. Thank you for your help so far, hopefully I can figure this out.
Well u have to leave it around 10 Mins if your PC Restarts or Turn green It's something about hardware just watch out about temps dont go in the Red zone... Download Prime 95 u can check stability too.... If all is ok then Reinstall windwos and if the problem after all that is still there if u have warranty on all go to it :) glad i can help, i wish i can do more but i just never seen that problem :/