My computer is running slow after installing a new hard disk


Jan 29, 2012
i have a hcl pc with a 1gb ram a 500gb hard disk and dualcore processor
i removed the 500 gb hard disk and installed a 1 tb hard disk
after i installed the hard disk the computer started running very slowly
please help :(
If you put the old drive back in do things speed up again? It is possible that you moved soemthing during the HDD install.

Mobo make & model:
Proc model & speed:
Ram Speed & amount:
HDD Brand & RPM:
PSU Wattage:

Is the computer slow at boot? Slow at loading programs? Just generally sucking? And what kind of difference are we talking about? Just lagging a bit? Or literally taking seconds longer to do similar tasks as the old drive?
5400 would be notably slower, but not so much that you would think something is wrong. It is more likely a bad HDD, a slow/bad controller, something formatted with the wrong sector size, a jumper setting, a bad cable, or any number of things. But knowing what their hardware config is could point us in the right direction at least.


Jan 29, 2012
the hard disk is a western digital cavier black 1tb hard disk with 32 mb la cache and 7200 rpm.
the computer has intel 82945g chiset
and dual core processor
1 gb ddr2 ram
and please tell me what else information you want