My computer isn't performancing as well as it could.


Aug 13, 2009
Hey guys, i'm new here since i felt this was a good place to ask for this bugging problem.

I own an Aspire T180, it was pretty terrible for gaming, so i upgraded it with a Sapphire HD 4670 512mb DDR3 and 2x 1gb Ballistix PC8500 Dual Channel ram.

This greatly improved performance but not as much as it could be.

I had a friend who was also in a similar situation, had a rubbish computer, he bought a 9500GT 1gb DDR2 and DIDN'T upgrade his ram and is getting ALOT higher graphic settings with more FPS than me.

I'm currently sitting on mid graphics WoW with 60 FPS in some areas, then i go to areas with many players, or in raid situations and i'm sitting no higher than 20 FPS, where as this guy was running 60 FPS maxed out everywhere.

I was thinking it could have been the processor, it's an AMD Athlon 62 3800 x2, whereas my friend was running quad core.

Help! and thanks in advance :)


Aug 11, 2009
I very much doubt that the CPU is holding you back with that card but, if you know how, you could always try overclocking it which WILL give you better results.

Have you got AntiAliasing enabled at all in the control panel or in-game? If so tuen it OFF. Also what reolsution are you playing on. The higher the Res the slower framerate you would get. Each of these things have a great impact on gaming performance.

Right click the desktop and you should have a link to catalyst control center. Make sure things are set toward performance. Also in game make sure when you pick you resolution you don't pick the one with AA.

If that doesn't work then it may be you connection speed. Also wow is more cpu dependent then GPU.

As a last resort. go to start search in vista run in xp and type the following...

msconfig then press enter

click the services tab, then check hide all microsoft services. click disabe all, then click apply.

click the startup tab. click disable all, then click ok
restart and try wow again.