My computer just failed "Feature Update Win 10 version 1607


Hey there

I have Windows 10 Pro on Ivy Bridge 3770K computer with Asus Z77-V Pro motherboard. It just failed the 1607 update- I

It is August 9th update, it looks like it was downloaded on my computer and I was seeing options, "Update and Restart", "Update and Shut down" but every time I would use one of those options, computer would just restart. So I went under settings/ Windows update and restarted from there. It ran update, it was behaving normally, but when it restarted, I had black screen with nothing but mouse pointer. I waited may be 5 minutes and manually restarted. When it started to boot, it said, "Restoring previous version of Windows". It went on with it and recovered. I am typing this post on this computer. So anxious me went back to Windows Update and used "Check for updates" and it downloading the same updates. My intention was to run update again, because sooner or later it will download it again and when I restart it will install. But I actually restarted many times while it was sitting there downloaded the first time and it never attempted to install.

My question is- is there anything I can do to help it install? There is a good chance that it will fail this update 2nd time and may not be able to restore previous version of Windows. This is very important audio workstation. The value of it is not as much in hardware as in software. I have 600 titles of software synth and effects installed on this computer and reinstalling Windows from scratch would be a disaster. I have 6 drives on this system and files distributed between 6 drives, which would make rebuilding very very time consuming and stressful process.

The back up would be nice, but I had 8 GB hard drive that for some reason had difficulties with running back up and I did not asure that it working, so I do not have a back up. I do not expect other drives to be affected by the failure, so I will be able to access the other 5 drives if I have to reinstall Windows, but reinstalling Windows will make all programs and libraries installed on those drives unusable as the main software elements are on C drive. So this is huge problem. I should of probably set it to defer updates instead of actually make it downloading it. But with Windows now days- it will attempt to download it and install sooner or later and if it fails, restores and continues doing it over and over, it would not be useful any way. So what can I do now? Thank you.
download the Windows 10 media creation tool and use it to make a win 10 installer on USB

you can also go to same site and click "update now" which will load the upgrade assistant but the advantage of a USB over thsi file is you only have to download it once, if the upgrade fails you would need to download the upgrade assistant files again.

I don't intend to use USB for anything other than upgrading windows 10. I would perhaps suggest removing all extra unnecessary devices or the extra hdd from the PC while you do it. I don't expect it would effect the drives but the simplest you make the PC while upgrading, the more chance it will work. I would also disconnect PC from internet while installing.

Once USB is created, put it in...
download the Windows 10 media creation tool and use it to make a win 10 installer on USB

you can also go to same site and click "update now" which will load the upgrade assistant but the advantage of a USB over thsi file is you only have to download it once, if the upgrade fails you would need to download the upgrade assistant files again.

I don't intend to use USB for anything other than upgrading windows 10. I would perhaps suggest removing all extra unnecessary devices or the extra hdd from the PC while you do it. I don't expect it would effect the drives but the simplest you make the PC while upgrading, the more chance it will work. I would also disconnect PC from internet while installing.

Once USB is created, put it in PC, navigate to it in file explorer, and choose set up. It should offer to update current PC and go from there.
This computer never failed any updates. It used to be Windows 8.0, then 8.1, then 10. It was cloned from original SSD to larger SSD and after it was cloned, it installed Win 10 with no issues.

I have many devices connected to it- 8 USB ports not including keyboard/mouse and few USB sticks (licenser), but I never had to unplug them to install update.

Also there is known issue with this update.

I am not familiar how media creator works with just updates. Are you sure it will not attempt to reinstall Windows?

I don't have issue with downloading update, In fact- it already downloaded and waiting to install.

Another problem is that my backup drive hangs at 15%. I was hoping to at least do back up. It keeps saying, "Windows Task Scheduler service is not running", but when I check, it says it is running I don't know if I should try to restart it again and see if it completes update. But it may never come back alive... That would really suck...
It made it through the update! Great news.

I unplugged all the USB devices just in case. Left all SSDs and HDDs connected. It started installing the update. Then it restarted, then it became looking like lower screen resolution with update percentage on the screen. At about 32%, it attempted to restart and booted to Black Screen glowing on all monitors. This is the point where I restarted it last time. This time I decided- I will just wait and see what it will do because the computer had lights on and fans working. So I waited about 10 minutes- it was not doing much, but then Windows logo appeared. I thought- it made it through this time. But- NO. After Windows logo it went right back to Black Screen. I was tired so I decided not to touch it and went to sleep on a couch. When I woke up at 2 am, it was still having Black Screen with all the fans and lights on. I thought- it failed as it was 4 hours later. So I pressed "Restart" button. It rebooted and made it. Windows logo appeared, then my wallpaper. Then it did "Hi. We updated your PC." sequence and now it working. Typing on it. I had hopes for it. May be this download was containing something that was missed from first download. Still abnormal update behavior- it failed to boot after restart and was staying on black screen indefinitely but this time reboot survived. May be the disabling of USBs made the difference. Thank you for your help.
That "update" is a new version of win 10, you won't be getting another one like that till next year. They release a new version every 6 months or so

When next one arrives, I would suggest a fresh install if the same problems arise.
You just got a fresh install of Win 10, any problems you had before the update may not arise again as it replaced all the files with new versions if necessary.

Normal updates don't restart PC a few times, they just do it once and take 5 minutes at most.

I wish I could do it. Reinstalling 600 titles is a big project. I don't even remember everything I have and everything requires serial numbers and activation. If there was sure safe way to fresh install and preserve all the programs and file, that would be helpful. Otherwise- I am planning to upgrade to Kaby Lake. Also I don't need to because Ivy Bridge is still good for audio processing and software synths, but I ran out of USB ports and SATA ports- I would have to clone my drives to larger once if I wanted to keep growing and using the same system. I need Optain technology for larger capacity SSDs. But it looks like they delaying again and may not be released until Spring 2017...


Back ups- yes and no. I bought this 8TB Seagate drive and it never back up properly. I been using the same backup software from Seagate and it never had problems before with smaller drive. But this sits at 15% and when I try to pose it, it says, Task Scheduler is not running. I almost returned this drive, but then I formatted it and ran one backup successfully- like in May. But now it can not pick up to do incremental backups to add what is missing. I don't see Task Sceduler in running services but when I "Open Services", it listed as "Running".
did you check if newer version of seagate software or maybe a firmware update for drive itself?

you could run this on drive but from sounds of it, its a software problem, not the drive itself:
Yeah, thank you for the link. I used it some time in May (SeaTools). At first the drive was failing the test miserably- it was not even detected. But then after I formatted it, it passed. I have Seatools installed on my computer. I just don't understand- if it shows that service RUNNING when I "Open Services", how copme it is not on the list of services? You would understand if you go to task manager/ Services tab. First it has a list of services that running or stopped. The Task Scheduler is not there. But when I click on button, "Open Services", there is a list of all services and there it listed. I don't understand how it can do full back up once but then not being able to pick up where it stopped. As I say- my other drives never done that.
go to cortana and search task
choose task scheduler from list

the middle column shows what tasks are set to run, I have a few start up operations but nothing that runs constantly from here, so I guess it runs its service only when it has a task scheduled to run. Its also possible task manager only shows services being used by the user (you) as I cannot see a way to sort by all user accounts (you + system)
Do you see the button that says "Open Services"? This is where it listed as Running, but not on main list. I am running SeaTolls test and it slow, 88% done. At least it is progressing, so it is not drive. Deshboard (Seagate backup software) updated.

I have Acronis True Image. But I don't need Image back up, I need... actually for C drive I can use Image, right?? Also if it starts failing all future updates, restoring image would only put me at the same starting point...
hopefully the future updates will work as hopefully the faulty parts are currently in the windows.old folder that was created when you upgraded to 1607. The update replaces the image win 10 uses to build itself so you should have all clean files now.

So an image of it would be handy before it breaks again :)

the services list shows all services, whether they are currently running or not. The task scheduler only runs when a task on its list is due to run. I expect it uses very little resources otherwise, just enough to watch its schedule. think after i ran it earlier it was using 10mb which isn't going to show much impact on PC.

Seagate backup hangs at certain percentage
Wow! There really is a folder Windows.old. I did not realize it was all new version of Windows. I don't think it created that when I upgraded from 8.1 to 10. Wow. And it is 18Gb! My C is SSD and space is very valuable. I don't install almost anything on C. Can it be deleted? I just saw a thread somebody posted that his computer became unstable when he deleted Win.old.

I am checking the services. When this issue started, I spent extensive time with Seagate tech support and I was checking these services and everything was running. But now I still don't understand why services shows as running under "Open Services" but not on the list of services in original window. Like, for example, according to the table on Seagate site it should be:

COM+ Event System Started Automatic
COM+ System Application Started Automatic

I don't have those 2 on main list. I only have COMSysApp and in description section it says COM+ System Application (so ok- they posted description instead of proper service name from first column- not big deal). So I have it "Stopped" now. But I don't have Seagate Dashboard running- I am still testing drive now. Should I manually set it to "Started" before initiate the backup? Or should I start backup and then see if it is stopped or started? Under "Open Services" list, it listed as "Manual". So I used "Start" and now it Running, but it still "Manual"- there is no option to make it Automatic.

Will check the others.
Like this: should be:
Microsoft Software Shadow Copy Provider

I have it set to manual and not running. So I Started it and now it running but it is Manual. How do I make it Automatic? This may be the problem.
windows.old will disappear in 10 days, its only there in case you need to roll back in that time. Nothing is running out of it. Its only 10 days as unlike last upgrade that in many cases was from 7 to 10, everyone on this version had win 10 already, so less chance they would want to roll back.

You can delete it yourself but as I said, it be gone in just over a week.

I don't mess with services very often. I tend to leave windows to do its own thing so I don't go there, or registry either. I used to reduce running ones in past when i had 4gb of ram but my PC is so much better than my last one that extra services don't make it feel slow.
The drive finished the test and passed. I found how to make it automatic. It is in preferences (right click on the service). Will update if it passes 15%. I don't know what back up I set when I did it last time- if I used "Snapshot", the "continuous" backup plan could of be there from last year- just a backup plan that was not deleted- it would not find its backup files as disk was reformatted. I don't know... But I will make image file of C when Windows.old disappears. Thank you very much.
Nope- still sitting at 15%. Still saying "Windows Task Scheduler can not be started". The task scheduler shows under the list of all services as "Running, Automatic", but not on first page of services. And all options, including start, stop and restart are grayed out. If the service is running, the stop and restart are usually available. I don't understand why all options grayed out.
did you try uninstalling the dashboard and reinstalling it again after a restart?

I am not an expert on services, you could ask on but i can't work out what exact subforum would match your question. They would know the answer better than Microsoft would
I did reinstall it in Spring when I had this same problem and it did not solve it. The only solution was to reformat the drive and start over. It was able to make one back up but it can not continue for some reason. If I create new backup plan (as I tried last time), it starts all over. Last time it created 2 full back ups and ate entire 8 TB drive. So I tried to delete files. That took days. Then Seagate told me to format the drive (after all the troubleshooting attempts), and after I reformatted it, it made new back up, but it fails to continue and add updates to it.
could try to use the built in backup program in win 10 but I think it only apples to C drive, not all the others.

I don't run backups, I have everything I want to rescue on onedrive or on USB drives, or its on my 2tb drive. There is nothing on C that wouldn't need to be reinstalled if I started again and I can download most of that off net. I should buy an external drive but last one I had just stopped working after a while and slowed PC down at start up, so i just do without.