If you have a friend who has a working computer, bring a spare drive or purchase one large enough to migrate the data from, remove the problem drive from your old system and of course bring that too, bring both to your friends cpu, download a migration software like acronis (has free trial for 30 days, make sure to unselect any unwanted add-ons if necessary), connect your drives (buy needed cables for $5,$10 bucks usually sata), click the migration tool in the software and follow the steps. There are detailed diy cloning procedures but again this is only necessary if your hard drive is the issue. It may not be and you may simply need to connect it to a new system, call microsoft to get your os reactivated on the new system and your done. But for now, try cleaning and reconnecting everything and let us know what happens there. Maybe remove cmos the whole cleaning time too! We're in the dark right now and I know it's frustrating but I'm sure it's something small but we just have to get it pinpointed. Stay focused and keep it one step at a time, you'll get it taken care of!