My computer just keeps rebooting over and over


Jan 31, 2014
Gateway PC, vista home, bout 5 years old. Was acting fine earlier in the day but when I turned it on, it only gets to the screen where it asks how do you want to start (safe mode, command prompt etc). No matter which one I choose it starts over again. Tried booting from disk, and only got a colorful screen but no prompts or information. Trying to avoid reformatting, have a lot of pictures and music I do not want to lose. Please please please help


Jun 21, 2012
Desktop, laptop? What model? Can you get to the BIOS ( if there is one available )? Is that the Vista OS disc that won't load? Have you tried a CMOS clear on the MB? Have you tried taking the OS HD and putting it in a different computer or external enclosure to just to read any files to make sure the HD works fine?


Jan 31, 2014

Well it's a desktop, model GT5620, not sure hoe to reach bios but doubt I could since it keeps restarting. Tried to boot from Vista disc, but that is when it freezes on the colorful screen, don't know what a CMOS clear is, and only have the one PC so don't know if disc is bad. But since it won't load from any of the choices I pick, I doubt it's the disk.


Jan 21, 2014
when your pc start and show first black screen you should press ESC or for gateway F10 it will open a screen that will be bios.

have you tried to install any other version of windows because vista itself is a house of problems.


Jan 31, 2014

No, unfortunately vista is all I have. But like I mentioned, I wonder if there is some kind of recovery I can do, lots of family photos and music I don't want to lose. Worse comes to worse, I can reformat but trying very hard not to have to do that.

First time I've had this problem in the 5 years I've had it.


Jan 21, 2014

this problem is not new in windows and in vista. in some case rebooting happens when os of pc is corrupted then you have no other choice but to reinstall windows. if you have data in C: drive then formatting is bad idea. if you have data in other partition so don't have to worry but still you can try window repair option. to open it you need to boot vista from CD you need to go in bios change the boot device from hard drive to CD drive and when it boot CD.
it will show you install button and repair window button on left side of window try that if that doesn't work you only one option left reinstall window.
if you have bought vista from microsoft you can either ask for technical support from them or pay few extra bucks for window 7. window 7 is better in many ways.


Jan 31, 2014

Unfortunately its all on drive c and when I tried to boot from cd it freezes up on a color splashed window with no options ( no repair option shown at all)


You could remove your hard drive, take it to a repair shop, have them clone it, fix it there and reinstall. By some of your symptoms it sounds like you may have a short somewhere as well; this was cause once by my girlfriend's build her case was shorting out the mobo but that's a wild guess, not 100% sure that's your issue as it was working for 5yrs prior. Clearing cmos can be as simple as finding that battery that looks like a shiny quarter and just remove it, wait a minute and place it right back in.


Jan 31, 2014

I think I might have to get it recovered or cloned. I'm gonna give the CMOS clearing a shot tho. Thx :)


You only need to clone if the hard drive is having problems. It's a good idea to have a spare drive for them to migrate your data to if you have one bring it with you. Before all of this try "re-seating" everything, the plugs, cables, anything with a cord connected to your cpu, clean any dust off, I know it sounds a little "hokey" of a solution but sometimes a loose connection somewhere results in shorting on an otherwise healthy machine. If you have an air can, use that where appropriate. If this saves you having to visit the shop then by all means right? Once you get it working though make sure to find a good backup solution for your important stuff ie cd-rom, external drive, cloning to a spare drive internally so that it's less stressful if there is a "next time". Keep us posted! (no pun intended).


Justin S.


Jan 31, 2014
CMOS didn't work :( even tried a new battery. Still can't get past boot screen ( safe mode, prompt etc) when I try to boot from disc, get a colorful screen then freezes. Same results from bios. How would you suggest getting hard drive cloned or data retrieved without paying an arm and leg?


Jan 31, 2014

Always keep her clean, but gave her another lol. Checked all plugs and wires, everything seems good. Was backing up on DVD but this time I didn't get to do my usual storage routine. Unfortunately couldn't afford a good external, tho making it a necessity now. I just pray I can get that stuff off. A lot of irreplaceable a on there :(


If you have a friend who has a working computer, bring a spare drive or purchase one large enough to migrate the data from, remove the problem drive from your old system and of course bring that too, bring both to your friends cpu, download a migration software like acronis (has free trial for 30 days, make sure to unselect any unwanted add-ons if necessary), connect your drives (buy needed cables for $5,$10 bucks usually sata), click the migration tool in the software and follow the steps. There are detailed diy cloning procedures but again this is only necessary if your hard drive is the issue. It may not be and you may simply need to connect it to a new system, call microsoft to get your os reactivated on the new system and your done. But for now, try cleaning and reconnecting everything and let us know what happens there. Maybe remove cmos the whole cleaning time too! We're in the dark right now and I know it's frustrating but I'm sure it's something small but we just have to get it pinpointed. Stay focused and keep it one step at a time, you'll get it taken care of!


It sounds like your data may be corrupt like aliafzl89 said. Even if you don't like the idea of spending money on a spare drive if you don't have one it can serve you 2 ways. If it turns out your original hard drive is fine then you'll have a bootable copy. If it is an issue than you will keep all your data and be able to migrate it to your new drive. You may even possibly be able to reformat the problem drive so it's like new after everything is done and use that internally or externally so nothing in the end is a complete waste. The goal now is to save your precious parts of data, recover what we can and migrate it. Reformat what was corrupted so that you no longer have this issue. You'll be up a second drive internally or externally albeit with a lot of diagnostic effort but you'll be better prepared if there's ever a "next time".

I would start another thread in the storage section and perhaps you can run into an expert who can offer low cost or free diagnostics that you can use to figure out what the problem is on your hard drive. Some repair shops will do a free diagnostic as well so at least you know what is needed and it might not even be the hard drive at all; it could be as simple as replacing the psu, a stick of ram, or removing your video game card and using the onboard video or something else. Just call ahead to see. Sorry I couldn't help you further at this moment.


Jan 31, 2014


I appreciate all the help but I don't know how I'm supposed to get the data off the old hard drive if I can't boot up the computer?


I'm talking about taking it out first. Having a second drive available and using another working computer to do the transfer. I mentioned that earlier but I know it's a lot and you are probably stressed. It's hard to assess what's wrong with these symptoms and what you can do is very limited. Good luck! Again, sorry I can't help you further.


Jan 31, 2014

Thanks for everything Hun but I guess I'm out of luck as we are a one PC family and no spare HD. Kept pushing for an external :( I appreciate you're help


One last thing I don't think we tried. When your reboot the computer keep pressing "Del" (sometimes it's "F2" or "F8"instead) repeatedly, fast, to get into your BIOS (Basic Input Output System). Here you should be able to change the boot order setting. If you can get to that part then change to boot from cd drive as the primary boot. This will allow you to boot from a recovery disk. Your household may not have one but perhaps you can obtain one, be careful as it can erase all your data. You may be able to select a recovery option that puts everything back without deleting anything but it depends on the recovery disk.
That may sound difficult but it's not that hard but if you're not comfortable trying that I get it. At this point, I would take it to a repair shop since you don't have a neighbor who can help? At least let's pin down what the issue is so you know if it's a $50 fix or a $500 one. Also don't hesitate to double check here for a second opinion as not everyone is 100% honest unfortunately but most are, just be street smart about it or bring someone you trust who is. They're not car salesman but some can be of that type. Best of luck to you!