MY COMPUTER LOST THE LIGHTS FOR IT<"CAP LOCK" and now, today, I have developed several isues... 1) when I try to click on an


Nov 25, 2015
think I put all pertinent info into name of thread...and have an eye disease that makes typing difficult...hope this is enough info. NVM... to repeat... 1) lost "cap lock" lights a month ago, now they seem to be coming on when cap lock is off...also, no "Num Lock" light either, 2) Vcore voltage is at 1.36 but PC Probe II says it should be between 1.450 and 1.750, 3) when I try to select an icon on desktop, it picks all of them and then gives me a warning that opening 24 operations at once will chug processor...HOWEVER...when I use right click and"open" , I can open an such, 4) when I boot the computer, it wants to do a disk check but shuts it down without even trying to start, and 5) Finally, after "restring" to an earlier date when it worked well, it will no longer perform this operation.
I guess my question is this: is this possibly caused by low Vcore power, Video card mem, Ram mem, or a failed hard disk?
Sounds like you need a new keyboard for starters. I would replace that and see what other problems clear up.
CPU will drop voltage and make cores inactive and also downclock itself to save power so what you are seeing is normal I believe. If you want to be sure, run prime 95 with all cores and see if it jumps up to where it should be.
Sounds like you need a new keyboard for starters. I would replace that and see what other problems clear up.
CPU will drop voltage and make cores inactive and also downclock itself to save power so what you are seeing is normal I believe. If you want to be sure, run prime 95 with all cores and see if it jumps up to where it should be.


Sorry about double post...still not good with all the automated stuff on the internet. Just wanted to say thanks...this was the solution. :-}