My computer won't run high level computer games (Fallout 4, Shadow of Mordor, etc)


Jan 24, 2016
My computer isn't running any high level games (Fallout 4, Shadow of Mordor, etc). I learned a lot from a thread in January 2015. I think I have a is a video card issue, but I want to be sure. Here is what I have:

Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) 13-4150 CPU @ 3.50GHz 3.50
RAM: 6.00GB
Graphics Card: Intel(R) HD Graphics 4400

Please help me in figuring out how to fix my issue.

The system requirements page list a 550Ti as the minimum GPU so the 750Ti should be ok. It won't max the game out but it would be playable with lowered settings. They do recommend an i5-2300 at 2.8GHz as the minimum Intel CPU. His i3 should be faster than that...
You need to buy a graphics card. You can't play high end games on integrated graphics. What power supply do you have. If it's an off the shelf PC it probably didn't come with a good enough power supply for anything better than a GTX 750Ti. That's a pretty decent GPU to pair with your i3 anyways. Just don't expect max settings.

The 750Ti is a good, budget, low power card.
However, for FO4 it, and the i3 as well, are still far too weak to run even minimum settings.

The system requirements page list a 550Ti as the minimum GPU so the 750Ti should be ok. It won't max the game out but it would be playable with lowered settings. They do recommend an i5-2300 at 2.8GHz as the minimum Intel CPU. His i3 should be faster than that CPU. It's just whether or not hyperthreading is good enough to make up for the fact that it isn't a real quad core CPU.

I do think you are overstating how weak an i3-4150 and a 750Ti are though. I would be very surprised if Fallout 4 wasn't playable on that hardware.

I'm not really an expert on power supplies. Something like an EVGA B1 500W should be good enough but I'm not sure if there are better choices for the price.

This is also assuming that you have a case that will accept normal size power supplies instead of some custom HP design or something.

You can't get around 30 FPS on lowest settings? I play a ton of Fallout 4 but I have an overclocked i5-4690k and 2 970s in SLI so my experience isn't really comparable. I just assumed that if a 550Ti was recommended minimum the game must scale back pretty well to lower end parts.