Question My Core i7 3770 Cpu can't Turbo Boost

Jan 16, 2021
Hello everyone,

I'm using an h61 motherboard from HIPER with AMI 4.6.5 version bios.
Have Cooler Master Hyper 212 evo cpu cooler, 1600mhz 4+4 ddr3 memory, 600w 80+ psu and gtx980 graphics card.

My problem is that I can't use turbo boost tecnology. My cpu doesn't go above base clock on neither single or multi core. 3400 mhz is the highest it reaches.

Turbo boost is enabled on bios and my temps are really fine even on heavy loads it doesn't go above 60c. Also on Intel XTU it says Turbo boost is enabled.

Also windows is on high performance mode.
Thanks hmm, yeah it's indeed locked. Thought you might've been looking at the processor's ID name.

In bios is speed step enabled as well?
yes, speedstep is enabled in bios. I checked clock speeds on every kind of software like cpuz, hwinfo, msi afterburner. And it never goes further than base clock neither in single or multi core. also tried to cmos reset my mobo but didn't work. do you think my bios might be corrupted? I actually want to reflash it but can't find bios rom anywhere on internet.
my powe plan is selected as balanced (came default by windows) and also I tried High Performance and Ultimate Performance modes.

Can you tell me about that utilities?
Check Control Panel\System and Security\Power Options\Edit Plan Settings, the next popup window - check max processor state is 100% under processor power management.

Utilities such as afterburner, cpuz, anti viruses, anything you might've installed that isn't part of default Windows. Can disable possible background running programs in Task Manager -> Startup.
Check Control Panel\System and Security\Power Options\Edit Plan Settings, the next popup window - check max processor state is 100% under processor power management.

Utilities such as afterburner, cpuz, anti viruses, anything you might've installed that isn't part of default Windows. Can disable possible background running programs in Task Manager -> Startup.
Max processor stat is set to 100%

I re-installed windows to see if it's gonna work but it didn't. So I don't think the problem is windows.
I can't find anything on the motherboard either. Many international sites selling it which i translated in english to see if there was any hint of a support page or something. The board must've been flashed to support Ivy so i wouldn't go too far back if you manage to find because then you'll have no cpu speed at all :) Seen your thread at Linus.

Unkown brands makes it hard, a lot more hassle than it's worth.

It's possible H61 chipset may be just too limiting. I Wonder if any other 'known' brands has issues? I'll have a look around.
I can't find anything on the motherboard either. Many international sites selling it which i translated in english to see if there was any hint of a support page or something. The board must've been flashed to support Ivy so i wouldn't go too far back if you manage to find because then you'll have no cpu speed at all :) Seen your thread at Linus.

Unkown brands makes it hard, a lot more hassle than it's worth.

It's possible H61 chipset may be just too limiting. I Wonder if any other 'known' brands has issues? I'll have a look around.

thanks for all your advices. I was looking for if I can squeze little bit more performance out of my rig so it can keep up until I will be able upgrade my system (don't know when maybe after I get back to work when global pandemic ends). Cuz I have cpu bottleneck problem on Cyberpunk and some other games. I will keep looking for solutions.
See this thread, it just might help you.

That isnt a surprise there regarding Cyberpunk. Even with correct turbo speeds, there may be a tiny improvement. I still have a 2600k @ 4.5 and im too scared to try Cyber ;P I'll try it but ill wait till it comes down in price and bugs ironed out.
See this thread, it just might help you.

checked the thread. at first it looked like the same problem with mine (and i get excited lol). but when I continue to read that I see my throttlestop settings were already same as his final settingsin first case (for example: his disable turbo boost option was checked but mine wasn't). So there was nothing I could change really. I've redone everything he did and still doesn't work.

but one thing confuses me. When I open throttlestop it shows Multiplier is set to 63T (which doesn't make sense at all) when I touch it it drops to 39. Do you think this bug has something with my issue?
That isnt a surprise there regarding Cyberpunk. Even with correct turbo speeds, there may be a tiny improvement. I still have a 2600k @ 4.5 and im too scared to try Cyber ;P I'll try it but ill wait till it comes down in price and bugs ironed out.
I know man. The game really looks like a closed alpha test version 😀

But i'm trying to archive +100 fps on Apex Legends and PUBG so I can get benefits from 144hz display. In both games I'm stuck with 70-90 fps.
What sort of fps do you get if you dropped everything low including resolution if possible?
well I tried to test it with lowest settings possible (1024x768 res, ver low graphics) Pubg runs between 100-110 and apex legends runs between 80-100

checked values with afterburner and my gpu almost never goes to 100% it works usally between 50-75%. Can't get rid of bottleneck 🙁
110 is alright, that's roughly how much your cpu can cater a faster graphics card capable of doing the same amount but with higher details. Maybe more if cpu's usage wasn't pegged on 100%. With turbo probably could say around 10fps more.
well actually 10fps is what i'm chasing right now (and the relief of my pc working properly). but thank you for all your help. I hope unclewebb can find the solution for me on the Linus :V