My CPU is at 100% and GPU is around 88%


Mar 7, 2015
my specs are:

i5 4690k OC'd to 4.6 ghz
16gb ddr3
GTX 970

The game is fortnite. and framerate is unlimited( getting around 180-210 FPS)

my setting are low on everything besides view distance and textures both on epic.

i was wondering if i need to upgrade my CPU or some other component or if its just the game. if its a bottleneck please explain what i should do. thanks
Your system is well balanced, your issue that's causing the stuttering is the unlimited FPS. Capping it to 144hz should lower your CPU usage under your GPU usage which is typically where you want to be with computer gaming. Try this via software that caps it or vsync and see if your stuttering stops.

i have a 144hz monitor. but idk if i can get more out of my system with an upgrade cause my system is around 3-4 years old.

i understand my monitor will only output 144 fps but my 100% cpu cause some micro stutters and such but if its time to upgrade i want to ask the community

i understanding capping it will help but i wanted to see if it was bottlenecked at unlimited. as i mentioned, my system is around 3-4 years old and was looking at some insight if its time to upgrade or is this normal for fortnite to run at my situation (cpu intensive or similar)

Your system is fine as long as you limit your fps. Fortnite is not a cpu intensive game and therefor your cpu is the limiting factor here. However in other games it's the opposite. You are still getting above your refresh rate fps so your system is more than fine and by simply limiting your fps you fix the problem.

im aware fortnite is a slightly good optimized game. however if i was to play another title im not sure what those benchmarks will be. currently. yes i am testing with fortnite only but do you recommend i upgrade my cpu as the problem here? i mean we can say a upgrade is an upgrade to everything but what is the more beneficial situation or am i overthinking it?