My cpu is hitting 100% usage in game and having major fps drops


Jul 16, 2016
As I said in the title i'm having issues in games with my cpu. Common games where I have this issue are BF1, Dead by Daylight and Rust. My cpu is at a constant 80 to 90% load and as soon as I hit 100% I start to have major fps drops. all of these game run at 60 fps or higher on average and I never drop below 60 unless I hit 100% cpu usage.

Also cpu temps average around 60 to 75 degrees and my gpu averages around 70 degrees in game.

My specs are:
intel i5 6500
gtx 950
msi b150 night elf
Kingston Hyper X 8gb ddr4
Corsair cx500 psu
1TB hdd
and standard intel cooling.

I hope someone has a solution to this problem because it is really bothering me
Just limit your FPS to 60 or a bit higher so that your CPU has some breathing room.
Or find your monitors refresh rate and make it proper.
Stop all other extraneous tasks?

The 6500 is only a 4c/4t design, and it is not uncommon for them to be a bit 'taxed' in some games (many games do better with 8 threads, for instance)....

Perhaps you can minimize it by:
no streaming
Close every uneeded application in taskbar that might use resources (Dropbox, OneDrive, etc...)
Ensure all updates to all applications done ahead of time...

Depands on the game but in BF1 around 70-80%


I have tried to close all programms exept for Origin and Discord and still had the same problems