My CPU is reading temperatures of 70c when idling and around 120c when under full load, using HWMonitor


Oct 16, 2013
I have an AMD A10 5800K using the stock fan and its running with a HD 6870. I found out I was getting these temperatures so I reapplied some thermal paste (arctic mx-4) onto the CPU and got exactly the same temperatures, even after making sure that the fan was fully attached. The temperature numbers aren't just the problem, its the fact that when playing Battlefield 4, my pc crashes when playing on highly populated servers. And on Arma 3, I get a constant 20fps no matter what the graphical setting.
Does anyone know what causes the reading of these ridiculous temperatures? Surely the CPU would melt at 120c. Is it the temp sensor? The fan? Or just a faulty processor?
I would have got my CPU replaced by now but I don't want to go a week without my pc when the processor itself may not be the problem.

Any help is appreciated, thanks.
120c could not be right, the system would auto-shutdown to prevent the system cpu from burning up.

When touching your cpu cooler does it feel extremely hot or can you touch it for a while without burning your fingers? You should normally be able to touch it for a while.

Yeah I know, i got the a10 at a time where i didnt really know what i was doing but if I were to get a new cpu, i'd probably go for an fx8320/50 since its cheaper and i dont really have much money to spend on upgrading if i were to upgrade. Do you reckon i should try an aftermarket fan or just get the cpu replaced and see what happens because there is obviously something wrong here.

It's barely hot at all, there's no way its running at 80c right now
When i was checking things in the bios i noticed that it said it was running at an avergae of 50c. But that was only while in the bios.
I downloaded ASUS AI Suite II and its showing me that it's running at around 40C while idling, I haven't updated the bios yet because I'm a bit sceptical on how to do it and I don't wanna mess things up since I've never done it before.