[SOLVED] My cpu just doesn't want to throttle in high temps


Apr 11, 2019
I have an old 4790k and temps reaches to 70-80c areas while in video rendering (720p20) and gaming in low to mid settings, it seems what ever I do in my computer cpu keep reaching to high temps, it reached to 85c last night and I had to manually shut down the computer because ı have a stock fan and it does not cool down regardless of the fan speed as I hear, please do not advice me get a better cooler fan I'm unable to do any of that online stuff at the moment and I just cannot go to the downtown store just to get a fan,
I'm stuck with stock cooler and I'm using power templates from control panel to reduce the heat whenever possible, This CPU was a beast back in the day as I read but it seems cooling always a problem with this cpu haswell series. This is a DT refresh version if that any helps, my point is it literally gets to 55c-60c in 720p60fps video watching on YouTube above 1hour long and keep increases if I continue to do watch more or any stuff.

It is really unusable for me when temps are so weird and jumpy all over the place, its been like this since first day we got it I still remember this, my question is why do this processor doesn't throttle? Throttle at 85c-90c? Whats the point of it then? I'm basically burning it by doing a very simple video editing with a AVI 720p 20fps video editing,

I also clean the dust in it every month, I'd like to remind that I do not know how to replace thermal paste , I'm a casual computer user,

Is there anything we can do to change this?

Windows 10
750W PSU
1060 3GB GPU
Z-98 pro gaming mobo
There is a reason that was the last generation of K series chips to include a CPU cooler.

85C is not a dangerous temperature, and the CPU shouldn't start throttling until 95-100C.

You can certainly try reducing voltages and even backing off the CPU clock speeds if you want to keep it cooler.
There is a reason that was the last generation of K series chips to include a CPU cooler.

85C is not a dangerous temperature, and the CPU shouldn't start throttling until 95-100C.

You can certainly try reducing voltages and even backing off the CPU clock speeds if you want to keep it cooler.
Thats kinda stupid that this CPU won't throttle until 100c as you mentioned, it's like they did this on purpose to force people buy new CPU every two year or so just like buying same iphone every year. Messy and scummy that is what I can expect from Intel it seems nowadays, okay thank you both for help , I guess ı keep things as it is for now since I do not want to blow up my computer by changing voltages as I never done this before, buying a home or at least room cooler makes more sense to me in my opinion since that affects to the hardware temps in larger numbers,

Thanks again,
It throttles at that temp because ~100c is what Intel deems is the highest temperature before the temperatures will cause the cpus lifespan to be below a certain amount of years.

85c isn't going to make your cpu fail, at least not for a long time. It's certainly not Intel making you want to upgrade every 2 years like you say.

Thermal paste gets old and becomes ineffective, and it's quite easy to replace. There are plenty of tutorials out there if you want to try it.

Also upgrading the cooler would help further.
True of most products made with silicon integrated circuits and even power transistors. You might see 110-125C on some of the more simple devices, but that range is more or less determined by Physics. Any warmer and you will start to get increased electron migration which will eventually break down the junctions. This happens regardless, but over time scales that will make the CPU obsolete before failure (on the average)

The included cooler is merely adequate.

Adding cooling to a room or household will help. But not as much as you are thinking, and it will cost you a lot of money in energy. Cheapest option is to undervolt the CPU. Next would be to invest in a $25-35 cooler.