Whenever I play Games, such as Team Fortress 2, My CPU temp will Skyrocket over 100°C (It's usually around 70°C when idling), and I'm not sure why it's been doing this lately. This has been going on for about 4 or 5 months now, So I haven't really been gaming on the computer anymore due to this.. I can play for about an hour or 2 before my computer will shut itself off, and I'm sure it's because it's over heating. I replaced the case fan a few months back thinking it was the issue, But it solved nothing. Even with a Desktop fan pointed directly on my computer with the case off doesn't stop it from shutting down. This never happened before until I tried making my computer a little faster by using CCleaner, I believe it was, and after starting my computer up after that, It started giving me the BSOD, but eventually I got it working, But since then, It's always had this over-heating problem, Anyone have any suggestions? I'm new to any kind of Forum posting, so if you need any specs or something let me know what I need to tell you.