my custom build, what can stay, what should go and what should I add


Sep 21, 2013
As stated my previous build (thanks Jook-d) I am building my first home gaming computer, I know in general what each part does and can physically assemble one with ease but picking parts isn't my strong suit. that being said I bought a super crappy combo from Newegg I know its crap but it can "on paper" run the games I want to play not on the settings i would like but yet and still run them. this brings me to why i'm here minus the fact that i am very anxious to start my build but I am still waiting on parts, I need help figuring out what stuff can stay in the long run, what should I throw in the trash and what stuff should I add. here is the link to my build
please help I am going to leave this one open for a little while longer than usual because the second i click solved I get no more advice but I will be reading it constantly so any help is much appreciated.
Solution of luck? Well, you did say that you couldn't return some of that stuff so I guess try it out so you can get a good idea then buy a new processor and mobo. If you can't, well, there's always next time.

If anything, I just hope you've learned from this to make sure you do extensive research before buying any parts, that you are better off buying parts individually to save money and that you only get out what you put in!

ok not perfect at this or nothing but you did see the HD7950 right.. its Identical in performance to the GTX 770 but mine is an OC model thus clocks way higher than most GTX plus I already own it and am not looking to spend $450 on one part altogether i only spent $400 dollars

no more than 200 at any one moment and no more than $600 total would prefer to do it over time to limit the out of pocket bite.
ok so I left out a tad bit of important info the games I'm trying to play are Elder scrolls online real reason i'm building this, Titanfall, the new Boarderlands when it comes out, sims 4, skyrim and similar games.. On a 1080p 32in OLED HDTV. that's all i really need as best settings as possible without breaking the bank..... and yes I know it's bad practice to buy parts individually

Titanfall runs great on even older processors out of the FX series and even 6800+ series for AMD GPU's. Really optimized game. New Borderlands? Last I heard, there wasn't any plans for a new one lol. ESO isn't entirely too demanding either, more processor heavy.

How much did you spend on your 7950? Because depending on what you spent for it, you might have been better off buying a R9 280 or 280X. Also, even with the 7950, I feel that you're bottlenecking that GPU with your choice of processor. You should consider upgrading it to at least a 8320 or 8350.

I got the GPU for $200 the original plan was to get a fx8320 and compatible mobo but all those other parts came together in a bundle for $200. because I bought the GPU first I definitely see no reason to get rid of it though bottle-necked supremely.

For $200, I agree with you. That being said, there's no getting around to it being bottlenecked with your current CPU. Just a personal opinion. I have an AMD FX 8150 myself atm that's overclocked to 4.5ghz and I know for a fact it's bottlenecking my GTX 780. I personally like the idea of future proofing as oppose to getting by.

For $200, I agree with you. That being said, there's no getting around to it being bottlenecked with your current CPU. Just a personal opinion. I have an AMD FX 8150 myself atm that's overclocked to 4.5ghz and I know for a fact it's bottlenecking my GTX 780. I personally like the idea of future proofing as oppose to getting by.[/quotemsg]

yeah that's the purpose in mind for this thread "theoretically" future-proofing my pc I know the CPU is trash but its architecture is not obsolete/outdated its just not the performance end of AMD. the case psu i think will be the first to fail but I pray it wont so I am already looking into replacing it also.

If you need a great reference for quality PSUs, go here.

This is my bread and butter of finding out which PSUs to use and which to stay faaaaar away from. I'd suggest Tier 3 or higher. Tier 4 if you're not overclocking and have good headroom.

well based on this list i have a ticking time bomb in my computer so looks like that will be the first thing getting replaced and the case that came with it

You and me both, bro. I've got a Xion PowerReal PSU....tier 5. Enough said. I bought my whole tower originally second hand so that was already in it. I'm going to upgrade to the EVGA SuperNOVA G2 1000W later on next week. No matter what, no body can ever argue about getting a quality PSU. Ever.

no i do not i have the case/psu and GPU everything else arrives on tuesday

Is it too late to cancel? You definitely do not want to run an a6 5400k with a 7950.

yes its too late to cancel and why would that be a bad thing

Because of the potentially severe bottleneck I was mentioning earlier. At least I would like to think that is what he is referring to.

That's exactly what I'm talking about. Well if I were you I would try to sell it, or upgrade to a athlon x4 750k in the future.

Yes I have. In a few months I'm upgrading to an i5 and a 770, but right now I'm stuck with what I have. The 5400k is really weak and is usually the bottleneck on a lot of the games I play. There's often small stuttering on league of legends with max settings, and there's a bit of lag on games like Saints Row Iv. Also AutoCad is laggy as well.

On a bit older games however it does fine, such as just cause 2. Anyways it won't be that bad now since a lot of games are heavily GPU dependent and the 7950 is a strong performer.

Wow. Stuttering in League? Sheesh. I never even experienced stuttering with my FX 8150. Just know for a fact I'd get around 10-20 fps more with a 4770k in most newer games. The 7950 definitely doesn't need to go. If you plan on future proofing, I'd highly urge you to go for an FX processor.

Ok my goal is 1080p at 60fps on these games with moderate to max settings is this possible without breaking the bank I know the GPU can support but what else