My Custom PC Build Help

Maybe you should go with the 4790K it's about the same price as the 4770K and it performs better according to:

And as far as the 4930K goes the 4790K is cheaper than 4930K by about $200. Although the 4930K is better in multicore performance the 4790K seems to better in single core performance according to

So personally if I wanted to spend that much on a processor I would consider the 4790K. Although depending on what you do on the computer the 4930K could also be good.

If you really need 6 or more cores you could wait for the
Core i7-5820K, Core i7-5930K, and Core i7-5960X coming out probably later this year.

Here's the wikipedia article which lists i7 processors:

Remember that 4790K and 4930K use different socket motherboards.
Sorry I misunderstood that you weren't using it for gaming. I'm not sure how much power video editing/rendering takes, check out the links I posted and try to figure out how many cores your video editing software uses and the software's system recommendations.