Question My Dell Inspiron 5570 is not able to factory Reset?


May 26, 2015
I have been having lots of trouble with my one year old Dell Inspiron 15 5570. It has good hardware, but I recently noticed the issue of not being able to install to my hard drive. The laptop has a 120gb SSD and a 1Tb HDD. The HDD was correctly partitioned, but only files could be written to it ( I could download pdf's, but couldn't install steam for example). One attempt to fix this was factory resetting windows because I only had about 30gb of programs, but now it is stuck in reset mode. It gives me the option to choose (language, time, layout, etc..) then proceeds with "Why did my PC restart." It tells me to plug it in, connect to the internet and retry and then it will update, however that hasn't fixed it once. I tried rebooting it and going into administrator mode which also didn't work. Any tips would be helpful, thanks!