My Dell Vostro 200 Amber Light With No Boot, It Has A Load Fan, Turns Off, Then Turns On


Jul 9, 2017
Hi guys, so today I disassembled my computer so I could do a video on youtube showing how to assemble it. After I was done, I turned it I could see an orange light on my I/O button. I ignored it and turned it on, it stayed orange, and there was a load fan noise that I hear every time I turn it on normally, except it stayed on the load fan, I did everything from replace every port and RAM slots, to replacing the CMOS, and holding the power button to drain the bios. Nothing!

It was kind of embarrassing on my youtube, ill edit it out though.

I tried it on my other motherboard, and used a backup PSU, so I concluded that the problem was either ALL OF MY RAM(that seems a bit too coincidental), the I/O front panel cables, or the CPU, please help me find out how to fix.

My Specs

Core 2 Duo E8400

4GB Ram


FoxConn g33m02

Bios Award Pheonix 1.0.16

Please help, thanks!
Delll usually has 4 other trouble indicator lights on the front panel. Go to Dell and look in the manual.
See which warning lamps are on and that will point you to the problem. Check to see that the CPU cooler isn't bolted down on top of a wire, and that the CPU is seated and oriented correctly. The fan staying on makes me suspect a CPU issue. Check the fan connector for loose pins.


Jul 9, 2017

wow! i saw 2 or 3 bent pins and one pin COMPLETELY OFF!! thanks!