My delllaptop does not read cd/dvd in window 7

CD /DVD RW drive in my dell laptop does not read CD in window 7.
However if the cd/dvd is in the drive and prompted to shut down and restart, it works. But this cd is is ejected and another CD or ths same one is inserted, it opens the drive and promts to insert a new disk.

Thank you for your prompt reply.
I did what you instructed me. Still the drive reads the CD if the cd is inside during starting, or restarting of the computer. But if the cd is ejected and another or the same dc is inserted, insert a new disk pops up.unless the computer is shut down and restarted with the cd in it.
aaccording to TSST corpCDRW/DVD TSL462d ATA device proprieties, the device status is working properly, But the DVD region is 1 which should be 5 and when I click Ethiopiaa which is in region 5 the drive works.
If this is the problem, how can i Change to the media region of the destination ? or if this is not the real problem what is next?
Awiting eagerly for your reply