My desktop is restarting again and again


Dec 13, 2016
Hi guys,
my desktop is always restarting again and again, at first i thought it was the hard drive because there was no bsod and at a certain amount of time the windows became slower and slower to the point where it would start but no icons would show, so i thought it was the hard drive and replaced it with the ssd but the problem still persists.
i am thinking its happening because of the motherboard temp because at idle it would reach 55-58 but no bsod when restarting another thing the desktop is working fine but as soon as i switch on my ac after some time it starts to go haywire in restart mode, i figured that this might happen because of fluctuations, so the first time i thought it was my hard drive it was actually the psu restarting because of the fluctuations which led to the corruption of windows, but still i am a bit confused on how my desktop keeps restating.

You really need to tell us HOW your computer is restarting. What motherboard temps? What AC? AirConditioning? What Fluctuations? PSU restarting?

PSU restarting - then its your PSU's problem, though I can[t direct yo uany further due to the limited information you have given us