My download speed is double my isp


Mar 21, 2016
I'm not complaining about it I'm just wondering how it's happening. I have Cox ultimate package 200dl 20ul.
But I'm getting close 400dl sometimes spikes up to 500dl at times. I don't want to ask the cable company they might fix something and slow it down.

You got lucky!

Sometimes, these mishaps happen. Your ISP probably sent you a different box than the one you paid for, which is what's causing the "issue". I paid for 20DL, 5UL, when moving in my new home a few years ago, and when I did my first speed check, realized I had one Gigabit on both ends!

Sadly, your ISP will eventually find out that you got someone else's router, and they will ask you to return it.

You got lucky!

Sometimes, these mishaps happen. Your ISP probably sent you a different box than the one you paid for, which is what's causing the "issue". I paid for 20DL, 5UL, when moving in my new home a few years ago, and when I did my first speed check, realized I had one Gigabit on both ends!

Sadly, your ISP will eventually find out that you got someone else's router, and they will ask you to return it.

I bout all my own equipment.
Asus ac5300 router
Surfboard 6190 modem

Best advice I could give to you is lay low, don't call your ISP too often, and make sure you check every once in a while how fast the internet is.

There are always mistakes made. However, this one is in your favor.

Your ISP screwed up somewhere is all I can tell you, try to keep it a secret from them.
Yeah my parents got rid of cable a few years back (they had Cox) but the service never was terminated, they called for weeks and months then just stop calling they were planing to move and sell their house. They moved about 6 months after they called cox to have the service canceled no idea if the new owner got free cable.