Question My email domain is blocked by one of the companies I work with, need help figuring out best way to deal with that.

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Jun 7, 2014
(Sorry if I use incorrect terminology, I am familiar with how some of this stuff works but it is more of a functional understanding and not a technical understanding.)
So I have my domain/website/email all set up through a service called netfirm.

Apparently Netfirm was recently acquired by a company called EIG and they are now sending their customers emails through a broad domain '' and one of my client's blocks the domain due to potential malicious activity coming from others using that domain/service.

I have been in contact with Netfirm to resolve the issue and they either don't understand the issue or do and are playing dumb, so essentially I need to move my website/domain/email away from them.

Is there a efficient way to move the domain/email/website on the back-end to a new host or is it possible to basically proxy all the emails so that they are not directly going to or coming from the '' domain?

Not sure about your post.

Netfirm, now EIG, cannot control, change, or otherwise circumvent what your client company deems necessary to block.

I.e., emails from

Just why would you want to do something (unblock that your client does not want done? Does not make sense to me.

And assisting with work arounds to bypass your client's block is certainly a violation of Forum rules.

Plus if you do manage such a bypass and your client suffers malicious damages - then you may be liable.

It is your client that you need to talk with - not EIG. Your client either needs to agree to unblocking or work with you and/or EIG to achieve some other solution.

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