My External Hardrive can't be read all of a sudden.


Jan 2, 2015
My external HDD can't be read and says i need to format it before it can be read.
What happened was it was urgent that I need to go out and so I shutdown the PC but then it took so long for the Shutting down state to shutdown like almost 10minutes and since i needed to go out i just unplugged the PC. When I got back the PC wasn't able to read and I tried it in my laptop but still the same

Any given solution will be appreciated.
I don't think it should black out due to instant power loss because computers thees days can store some power so it has a few sec to shut down everything. Did you use the drive before you shut down your computer, if so that was probably the reason for the long boot down time.

My drive is Plugged-in that time when i shut-it down of all times the shutting down took too long so i had unplugged it. When I opened my PC it wasn't able to read it. I thought of it too that even a sudden power loss wont damage the drive. Oh and no the drive was not in use and as i said i was shutting it down but it took too long so in the "Shutting Down..O" state, that's where I unplugged it.


You may not have been using it, but the OS might have been.

Hmmm... Any way to fix this? or to retrieve the files?


i just unplugged the PC
Doing that seems to have corrupted the data on the drive. If none of the typical data recovery tools work, and the data is absolutely may have to spend big bucks for someone else to try to the data for you.

How much is the data worth to you?

What recovery data tools do I use sir? I haven't tried one yet.

Data? You mean the Size of the amount used? Well it's 450+ GB out of 500GB

Well If I can do it myself here then I would regardless of the time I just want to recover the data and back up it all again.

Any tools to fix this? Oh and if you need the details:
1. The Drive type is now RAW.
2. Properties, No memory and stuffs are in there.
3. I didn't try chkdsk but it says it wont coz it is a RAW type.
4. What appears when I insert it is:
"This volume does not contain a recognized file system. Please make sure that all required file system drivers are loaded and that the volume is not corrupted."


Will do sir. I will post here the result of it.


When I select the analyse it tells that it has a bad boot sector or something it lists only 2 fat 32 then which are alike and says bad boot sector or something and im doing a quick search up until now

No because it was bad or something and all, I was only able to do a quicksearch.

Are you talking about the testdisk? If yes then no.
Oh it says Invalid Fat boot sector then Bad relative sector.
Update: After the Quicksearch, no partition was found it says.
I've been quicksearching for like 3 times and still none but the size in sectors kept increasing.
Even after the Deeper Search it wasn't able to see partitions.


No sir but I tried the Advance instead of the Analyse and picked that partition though it says its extrapolated boot sector and current boot sector are different.
I tried rebuilding it and saw my files there. Now I'm backing up everything that's important but sir my last question would be. What do I do with My HardDrive? after the backing up, WHat do i do to my External Harddrive?

Full format ? hmm okay then sir. Thanks for that tip. And yes sir I would be more careful and remind my self that.