D Dr_7inch Honorable Apr 19, 2013 29 0 10,530 May 4, 2013 #1 Hi, this is my first build and I wanted to know what components i should use to make a gaming/school rig. Ive got the case already (NZXT Switch 810) and i have about $750 (give or take depending on your advice) to spend. Any help will do, thanks.
Hi, this is my first build and I wanted to know what components i should use to make a gaming/school rig. Ive got the case already (NZXT Switch 810) and i have about $750 (give or take depending on your advice) to spend. Any help will do, thanks.
Cyber023 Honorable Apr 21, 2013 49 0 10,540 May 4, 2013 #2 I would go with something like this http://pcpartpicker.com/p/V2TL I have almost the same build and i can play most games on high settings with 60 FPS.
I would go with something like this http://pcpartpicker.com/p/V2TL I have almost the same build and i can play most games on high settings with 60 FPS.
S SprinkleOwnz-1312988 Honorable May 2, 2013 86 0 10,630 May 4, 2013 #3 here is a build without a ssd(if u dont want one) http://pcpartpicker.com/p/V49H