I'm building my first gaming pc at the end of June and I would like to know if It will be good for 1080p gaming on high or ultra settings on games like gta 5, COD WW2, Battlefield 1 or Ghost Recon: Wildlands. https://pcpartpicker.com/list/Hr3WTH And for those who would suggest a ryzen 1600 over a ryzen 1400, I unfortunetaly don't have that much money. I think the 1400 will be alright. And I'll most likely buy another 8gb RAM stick in the future so that's why there's only a single 8gb stick. I also have a few questions
1. Is the SeaSonic - S12II 430W 80+ Bronze Certified ATX Power Supply a good psu for my build? I really can't spend more than 50 euros on my psu so if you have any other psu suggestions I'll be happy to hear them. Maybe other suggestiosn would be Zalman ZM500-LX, Fortron PPA6003701 or Seasonic SS-500ET T3.
2. How much would I be able to overclock the ryzen 5 1400 with the stock cooler? Will it be worth it to buy a cooler later on and overclock it even more?
3. Will I be able to overclock the MSI - GeForce GTX 1060 6GB GT OCV1 from 1544 MHz to 1759 MHz without any problems?
Thanks in advance for all your replies
1. Is the SeaSonic - S12II 430W 80+ Bronze Certified ATX Power Supply a good psu for my build? I really can't spend more than 50 euros on my psu so if you have any other psu suggestions I'll be happy to hear them. Maybe other suggestiosn would be Zalman ZM500-LX, Fortron PPA6003701 or Seasonic SS-500ET T3.
2. How much would I be able to overclock the ryzen 5 1400 with the stock cooler? Will it be worth it to buy a cooler later on and overclock it even more?
3. Will I be able to overclock the MSI - GeForce GTX 1060 6GB GT OCV1 from 1544 MHz to 1759 MHz without any problems?
Thanks in advance for all your replies