My Fps Suddenly fall down


Feb 19, 2017
Okey,I have Intel(r) Ceon(R)CPU x5450 @3.00GHz 2.99 GHz,Ram-12gb,64-bit and graphic card NVIDIA GeForce GT 730-I Played Assassin Creed Rouge before 1-2 months and fps was about 30-40.Today I Decide to play it again and my fps was 3-5.If somebody know how to fix it please write it.Thanks For Reading!

Temparature is 80Celcius
and total load is 45%
I checked marwel before 6 hours and there wasn't any threats
+I Checked far cry 4 as well and fps is lower than before.

I said wrong about load and C it is 90%load and 92C
It is going to high sometimes load gets to 99.
Woah that is way too hot.

I would check to make sure the cpu cooler is still correctly mounted, i've heard stories about stock coolers pinging up in one corner.

Otherwise, clean off the old thermal paste and apply some new, good quality paste.

Soo i need to check is my cooler correctly placed and fix it if it isn't.And if that don't help than I need to apply now thermal.
(Thanks for help if this works and if it don't)
Am i right?

I cleaned up my computer and now celius is about 40c but load is still 99%
Thanks for help of C and if you have any idea how to fix load please tell :)

Just Scvhost(Takes most)
I dont think it is maxed becouse i was playing games before and it was ok.

How to becouse when i turn him off it just turns on again later or when i restart pc

When I open Vsphere It says I need ip Adress I found my ip Adress 'IPv4 Address but I't don't works?