My friend managed to disable my internet connection via my IP

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Feb 7, 2013
But not in the usual way of: cmd -> services.msc -> Connect to another computer...
He told me he hadn't used a 3rd party software (of which I'm doubtful, since he has been hanging around in the deepweb), included is a picture of a menu he used while doing it. He called me on Skype before disabling it, and while the call was still on, the internet connection dropped. That's about it.

There's nothing to revert, the internet connection was just disabled for a short while, and I want to know how he did it to take precautions to keep him, or anyone else, from doing it again.
I changed the picture, not that it actually mattered, though, I've changed the IP address by now.
well if hes really a friend, the first precaution you could take is to tell him not to do that kind of annoying shit to you....
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