My friends PC is BSOD after new hardware


Mar 2, 2014
Hey all,

My friend recently bought a new Intel 7500, MSI motherboard, corsair 8gb stick and 212 EVO. 80+ Bronze EVGA 500w PSU.

He did reinstal Windows 7. It BSOD about a week or so ago, he was playing Arma. Today it did it while watching youtube. He has only had the parts for 3 weeks.

Here is a picture
OK, does your phrase 'after new hardware' mean that he's using an old windows install with new hardware? If he is then you need reinstall windows.

If you don't mean that, did you install your mobo drivers?

We need to know about the transition from the old system to the new system.
So a clean 3 week old system, any updated drivers on the mobo website? Unlikely to be malware but worth checkin as first link above.

Try recreating the swap file, so remove it, or move it to a different disk and then put it back where you want it. But it does seem to be disk subsystem related, swap sata data cables?
The only thing not new is the HDD, it is prreetttyy old. I will have him try the things you guys have mentioned.

And yes I am aware of Microsh*ts BS with kaby lake and win 7. However Win 7 runs flawlessly on my kaby lake build.

I am also wondering if he reinstalled windows correctly, anyone have a link or instructions I can give to him to do it properly? How should he go about wiping his HDD clean and installing off the disc?

Why should ms update their core for every new feature that other manufacturers create across dead product lines? Why not xp, or millennium, or vista, they were supporting 3 generations of OS for new hardware, with zero funds for 7 and 8, so why do it? Who's going to pay?
a in page error means a failure to read from the drive. the reason listed was error code
Error code: (NTSTATUS) 0xc0000185 (3221225861) - The I/O device reported an I/O error.

you should check the drive cables, or move the data cable to a different port or controller.
ATAPI Driver Extension
ataport.sys driver date = 51fef9b5 = Sun Aug 4 18:02:45 2013

windows 7 would require a full format to locate and mark bad sectors of a HDD as bad.
windows 10 will move data from weak sectors and then mark them as bad.
The disk repair said it replaced some bad clusters. Not sure if this resolved it or not, time will tell. Although I have come to find out that he did not use his new sata cable that came with the mobo. He said if it happens again he will use the new. Will keep updated.

He also just put in a new msi 1060 the other day. He just uninstalled avast and it has significantly improved performance both browsing and gaming, also lowered load times. If it does BS again he will update bios and do a few windows reinstall along with deleting partitions.
the second bugcheck photo is a Bug Check 0x101: CLOCK_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT
with a 31 clock tick timer. (more likely to be a video timeout, i would think)

generally, you would need to provide a kernel memory dump to see what is timing out.

otherwise, as a general fix, you would just update the BIOS, update the motherboard drivers from the motherboard vendors website. disable any unused sound sources in control panel and make sure you do not have any overclocking for the CPU and GPU.

windows 7 has some stupid default driver for a USB wireless thumb device that will fail to install and it just retries over and over to install on one core, then a second core that is waiting times out and calls the bugcheck. this is just in case you have a USB wireless ethernet thumb drive and did not install updated drivers before you plugged it in to a USB port.