My gaming pc keeps freezing


Jun 13, 2015
I recently built a new gaming pc and and have been experiencing random freezes that cause me to have to restart my computer. The computer normally freezes when i am in game. I have already RMAed my psu and gpu and I am still having the same problem.
My build:
GPU: ZOTAC Geforce GTX 970 extreme amp edition
Motherboard: Gigabyte 990FXA-UD3
RAM: 2x Corsair Vengeance 4gb sticks
PSU: Corsair 600w
CPU Cooler: Corsair H55 Hydro series
Hard-drive: 1tb caviar blue
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Sounds like a temp issue, keep an eye on your temps while doing something like a stress test or gaming. Either that or it could be a serious driver issue. Does it bluescreen when it freezes or bring up an error message the next time you boot?

Just checking your system, what efficiency is your power supply because if it's a bronze you're running right at the edge of what it can output consistently. Could be you're running out of power which is undervolting your cpu causing it freeze.